Cut Out The Middle Man For Maximum Profits

Feb 13


Willie Crawford

Willie Crawford

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We all know the secret to saving big money ... ... in the off-line world is buyingit ... We know that the more hands an ... through on the way to us, the more ... to c


We all know the secret to saving big money whenbuying something in the off-line world is buyingit wholesale. We know that the more hands an itempasses through on the way to us,Cut Out The Middle Man For Maximum Profits Articles the more it'sgoing to cost. Everybody involved in the processhas to mark the item up in order to cover theirexpenses and give themselves a little profit.Any layers that can be trimmed in the processof getting an item or service to the consumerlowers the final cost to the consumer. That'swhy I am a member of "Sam's Club." I can buymany items I use every day at near wholesaleprices. I am a member of many other buyingclubs for the same reason.I'm sure many of you look at the cost of goodsand services on-line and wonder if you can 'treduce the price by getting them wholesale too.You wonder if you can't cut out the middleman.The answer to that question is often yes, butthe path is filled with dangers.What is keeping you - and me - from buying morethings wholesale on-line? When I look at a services such a domain registration or web hosting, theanswer is either ignorance or fear. I'm verycomfortable with my current web hosting arrangementfor example. I get very dependable service and aprice I am happy with. Yet, like many of you,I often wonder if I shouldn't be using a cheaperservice.Actually, I know that I can host domains on myown dedicated server for as little as $1 each permonth, and in some places for much less. I know this because I've been contacted by big web hosting wholesalers. However, this is notan area I want to venture into at this time. Anacceptable reason for me right now is that I don'twant to get involved in the technical end of things.I have a friend in the hosting business and he thinks it's a nightmare at times. All of thecustomer service calls for his bargain hostingdrives him crazy.If you are observant, you soon notice that youreally could probably become a supplier ratherthan a consumer for just about any product orservice that you regularly consume. There are"barriers to entry" but they are not that great.YOU actually could open your own company providingmany of the services you use every day in youron-line business. If that interests you, it's just a matter of doing a little research. Youalso need a "little" capital to get started.But what if you just want to feel more in controlof your web business. What if you have thatnagging feeling that if you knew a little moreabout the way things worked, you could cut youroperating expenses by 50 - 70%? Is that possible?Yes, it is. You just need to know where to lookto uncover the facts that your current supplierscertainly aren't going to encourage your to lookfor. You need to get over your fear of a littletechnology too, since cutting out the middlemendoes often require you to understand how thingswork.Why am I rambling on and on about how you cantake charge of your business and cut out themiddleman? Partly because I've recently starteddoing more and more of this. I also wanted to tell you about a workshop my friend Fred is conducting on this very topic. Fred has to beirritating a lot of people, because he teaches youexactly how to become your own web host, handleyour own domain registrations, and generally takeresponsibility for the things that your businesssurvival depends upon. Take a moment now and read some of the things Fredshares with you! You'll probably discover a wholenew world that you never gave much thought to. Don'tmiss out on this: k.cgi?fredIt's virtually impossible for you not to benefit from having read this article and investigating Fred.That's because from this day forward, you will always wonder if you could, and if you should begetting a better price when you buy products on-line.Asking questions like this and then taking the appropriate action is one of the things that will allow you to break out of the "pack." At least realize today, that the on-line world really is nodifferent than the off-line world, and that thereare ways to buy the goods and services you needwholesale. Then your job becomes to discover how.I've shown you one answer :-)