Purifying Your Marketing Environment

Nov 19


K Summerhawk

K Summerhawk

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Making sure my environment supports my success is one of the Million Dollar strategies that has helped me gain rapid growth. It goes beyond the crystal hanging from your ceiling fan and cleaning out you desk draw.


One of the Million Dollar strategies that's helped me experience rapid growth in my business is to make certain that my environment supports my success. What I'm talking about goes beyond cleaning out your desk drawer and simply hanging a crystal from your ceiling fan string.

Here's what I mean: your environment stirs in you key thoughts,Purifying Your Marketing Environment Articles that then turn into strong emotions. Those emotions power your actions, which leads to you getting the results you desire.

So, for example, negative thoughts of doubt or disbelief lead to weak actions, that don't have the confidence or faith in them to support achieving anything really measurable.

Which is why NOW is the perfect time to take my quick assessment and see which areas of your environment may need a little attention!

There are 6 types of environments that support a 7-figure business and marketing success.

In this article I'm sharing the first three types of environments (with my tried-and-true personal tips) so that you too, can transform each area of your environment, helping you focus on higher payoff marketing and attracting new, more exciting and lucrative opportunities, mo-ney and free-dom in your business. This is Part I of a 2-part article.

Million Dollar Business Tip #1 Your "Inner" Environment

Great athletes know that their body is their temple so they take extraordinary care of it. The same is true for you! The better you feel physically, the more energy you have to focus on your life's work. Plus, when you know you are eating well, sleeping peacefully and honoring your health you feel confident and powerful. My recommendation? Choose one area of your inner health to support, then make a specific commitment to an action you'll take!

How will your Inner Environment support creating a 6 or 7-figure business?

When you feel rested, relaxed and confident you feel a greater connection to Divine, Source energy and THAT is where your next big idea will come from!

Million Dollar Business Tip #2 Your "Outer" Environment

Think just because you work from home it doesn't matter if you stay in sweats and a stretched out t-shirt? Yes, it does! What you wear has enormous influence on how you feel about yourself, which of course, influences your decisions and actions.

You don't have to "get dressed up" every day, but I DO recommend putting on earrings, fixing your hair and wearing an outfit you wouldn't be embarrassed to have a client see you in. Trust me, you'll take yourself more seriously which will show up in how much money you believe you deserve to make!

How will your Outer Environment support creating a 6 or 7-figure business?

Feeling like you deserve to make more is a big obstacle for a lot of soul-preneurs. If you're resisting buying nice clothes just to work in then I can guarantee you're not making as much as you could.

Here's a way you can instantly uplevel your ability to see yourself as a 6 or 7-figure business owner: how much do you normally spend on a blouse and where do you normally shop? This week, go to a store that is twice as nice as where you normally buy clothes (a boutique is even better!) and buy yourself a new piece of clothing that is at least TWICE what you would normally spend.

Before you protest and tell me you can't, let me share with you that this one simple exercise will do more than you realize to trigger hidden beliefs about worthiness, and will help boost your sense of deserving, and support you in breaking through mo-ney barriers. Try it and you'll see what I mean.

Besides, you can't raise your fees or market high-level programs unless you believe in their value, which means you must first raise your OWN sense of value that who you are and what you offer is worth it.

Million Dollar Business Tip #3 Your "Living" Environment

Is your office space beautiful, clean and free of clutter? Do you have paintings, posters or pieces of art that inspire your creativity? Or are you surrounded by stacks of magazines, books sitting every-which-way on a crowded bookcase, knickknacks that have run amuck and too much plastic?

My office (and my entire home!) is ONLY filled with beautiful things. Yes, even my pen holder is pretty! Beautiful objects sing to our soul and inspire a feeling of luxury in us, which in turn inspires our sense of deserving to have greater wealth and abundance in our life.

So, get out the recycling box and start tossing everything into it that isn't beautiful. Don't wait until you find something to replace it (that will take too long!). You'll be tempted to tell yourself stories as you get rid of these things. Ignore them. They only represent the "old" you and you only want items in your living and work space that speak to the new, 6 or 7-figure you!

Now go out and buy yourself something gorgeous that makes you completely happy to look at.

How will your Living Environment support creating a 6 or 7-figure business?

Breaking into a new 1ncome level means you must think, act and believe in new ways, that you never have before. Your living environment represents these thoughts and beliefs. So it's crucial that your surroundings set the stage for the higher level programs you want to offer, and the higher end clients you want to attract. Remember, more affluent clients expect a certain level of quality. That sense of quality isn't just in your outer presentation but also comes from your INNER confidence that you are worth every penny (and more!) of what you charge.

So, what's on MY desk? Three artist made glass hearts, and a hand crafted miniature shoe, modeled after one from the Queen's court in the 1700's, made out of heavy weight, jewelry metal and hand painted. I spent a ridiculous amount of money on such a little object but every time I look at it, I feel pampered and luxurious.

In the next article, I'll share my personal tips on the remaining three environments that directly impact your ability to create a highly successful 6 and 7-figure business. I think you'll be surprised at what they are so be sure to read them right away, okay?