Web Site Content: Using the King to Explode Your Internet Business

Jan 16


Daryl Campbell

Daryl Campbell

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Whether people know about it or not Web 2.0 is changing the way many of us communicate and do business online. You must be aware of these changes however keep in mind no matter the rapid innovations, one thing has ruled the internet from the beginning and will continue to do so for the near future.


It seems like everyday,Web Site Content: Using the King to Explode Your Internet Business Articles a new web site innovation or internet marketing strategy arises. For instance, we are witnessing the dawning of an online video revolution. Many internet marketers have taken advantage of this and set up very profitable websites. Then there is the social networking phenomenon which has made communicating with your audience much more interactive. These innovations will continue as the internet keeps evolving.

But content is still king and will remain so for a long time. Getting caught up in the latest gadgetry is a mistake business people make online and off. Video is terrific but when the smoke clears people still want to read information that is a well written and highly valuable. Factor in that your potential customers are not the only ones who want good content. The majority of your site traffic is going to come from search engines. When your site gets crawled by the search engine spiders and they see that you provide quality information (on a regular basis), your website will be rewarded with better search engine rankings. Of course there are other factors in determining your website ranking but good content heads the list.    

As for those potential customers you are trying to attract, the quality of your content is make or break time. You have heard the old saying that you never get a second chance to make the first impression. That cliche takes on more meaning when applied to internet marketing online. It is one thing to go to a store in a mall, not be satisfied and then decide to go somewhere else. On the internet this can be done with the click of a button where thousands if not millions of competitors are waiting to make a better impression than you did. 

Pay special attention to not only the information you are providing but also how it looks.  Good content can be easily overshadowed by using font styles and colors which are almost impossible to read. No one is going to strain their eyes when they can just as easily find a more user friendly website. Showcase your content by placing it in a setting which provides maximum readability to your customers.

Also keep in mind the first reason most of us go online is to get information, not to purchase a product or service. You cannot have a website that is filled with pages and pages of advertisements. Even if you are promoting a specific product, your goal is to give the customer as much information on the overall topic the product falls under and then gently point them to your offer. This can be a balancing act to say the least. You naturally want to make a sale but you don't want to come off sounding like a used car commercial at 3:00 AM.  If you are unsure about this you can always outsource to an experienced copy writer however you will eventually have to do some writing on your own so it's best to get started now. 

Content is king of the internet. It will play a critical role in everything from attracting new customers to boosting your web site traffic. Just keep it simple and stay focused on providing useful information that your target audience and the search engines will like. .