Metaphysical Articles

A Fresh Look at Mantra Yoga

Appreciation Attracts Prosperity

A Medical Cure found by Remote Viewing & My last "I bet you can't Remote View it" bet!

Roswell Ufo Encounter

Those Pesky Paradigms - Why Remote Viewing is so controversial

The Chi of New Homes ... Feng Shui-ness and Destiny

Understanding Tarot: Seeing Beyond the Myths

What is Remote Viewing & Why do Remote Viewers abhor being referred to as "Psychics"

Poetry to help in bereavement.

The Joy Of Living In The Zone

Stopping Time

Through the Tunnel

The Astrologer, the King and the Fool: When will Astrologers be Invited to the Party?

The Day I Died

Four Powerful Pathways Into The Light And Sound Of Oneness