1 Hour Per Day Network Marketing Millionaire Guide

Mar 20


Elle Wong

Elle Wong

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If you only have 1 hour per day for your network marketing business, then seriously commit that time and make the very best use for it. Here’s a quick guide for you to work out your road to millionaire success with 1 hour per day

Plan - The less hours you have for your business the more critical it is for you to plan out your time with accuracy and specifics. Invest in a diary and block out the time that you’ll be spending on your business. Break down the hour in blocks of minutes and specific exactly what you will do with that amount of time.

Avoid distractions - Be absolutely focussed with the 1 hour per day that you are putting into your business. Make sure your friends and family know that you are working on your business during this particular hour. Explain to your spouse or housemate that your business is important and you need their support to respect your working time. Close your messenger,1 Hour Per Day Network Marketing Millionaire Guide Articles turn down the music and turn off your TV. Dedicate this hour entirely on your business at a place where you can work with peace and tranquility.

Focus on action items - There are four action items to focus on: marketing, following up with prospects, training new team members or enrolling new customers. Depending on the demand, you should attempt to do a mix of all of them. Bare in mind that these action items do not involve clearing your mailbox, reading about a new marketing method or seeing who was added as your friend.

On a final note, remember that you are spending 1 hour per day, it means part-time, not sometimes. Your network marketing business requires consistency. Respect the commitment you have made to your very ‘own’ business. This means accomplishing your daily or weekly tasks, no matter how small or large it is.
