Success In Your Network Marketing Business Isn’t About Your Company Or Your Comp Plan

Jan 17


Jaz Lai

Jaz Lai

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Making it in network marketing requires a success oriented mindset. Without it, you won’t make it past the first few months in this business. Keep in ...

Making it in network marketing requires a success oriented mindset. Without it,Success In Your Network Marketing Business Isn’t About Your Company Or Your Comp Plan Articles you won’t make it past the first few months in this business. Keep in mind that network marketing businesses are very different from your previous business experiences. Think about how long it takes someone to prepare for a specialized field in medicine, law or management. Getting a degree and moving up the ladder takes time. It is the same way in our field. 

A lot of people just assume that success in network marketing in dependent on having the best product on the market, along with the best team, the best company, the best compensation system, and other things.

That’s not how success works in our field.

-    If you consider yourself better than the competition, it gives off the aura that you think other companies are not safe or are inferior. Other people will assume that all network marketing associate do are rat out each other. Keep things real: there is no one perfect company, but there are companies better suited for certain people.

-    Not everyone needs the same things. Not everyone is going to get excited about vitamins and supplements. Remember that some people need skin care products. Still others need household services, some in candles and home fragrance, some in kitchen tools and ingredients, and others in digital and online services.

-    Compensation plans are great! But it doesn’t matter how fantastic a plan is. If you can’t earn money or help your downlines, it doesn’t matter how lucrative your comp plan are, you won’t be successful.

-    Success depends mostly upon you.

You are going to have to take responsibility for building your own business. Waiting on your upline to do the work for you is not going to help you succeed. They are your leaders who are here to help, but you need to build your own network in order to be successful.

Karma is a way of remembering that what goes around comes around. In network marketing, it makes perfect sense because of the duplicating nature of our industry.

For example, say that you like working with your upline, and you are willing to spend the energy to help your upline move up a rank. When you show your downline how much you are supporting your upline, they will see your drive and support you in the same way. It’s about group building, but you are building multiple groups that will help you success.  This will definitely make your group grows exponentially!

On the other hand, if you show disrespect to your upline. Talk down about them to your representatives. Your downline is going to do the same thing towards you. Guess what? You’ve just lost your own downline.
So learn to develop the correct mindset and you will gain success quickly.

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