The Secret Weapon For A Network Marketing Business

Oct 3


Michael S Hutchins

Michael S Hutchins

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This article will reveal a strategy that can literally make or break your network marketing business.


Network marketing success is dependent on a variety of factors. Company leadership,The Secret Weapon For A Network Marketing Business Articles training systems,compensation plans and product offerings all must be carefully evaluated. Their is one strategy, however, that is crucial to the success of a network marketing business. This article will reveal that strategy.

It is amazing how many individuals involved with network marketing fail to follow up with prospects. Or, if they do follow up with a prospect, they go about it in a counter productive manner. Proper follow-up is a skill that must be learned, yet few companies train distributors thoroughly on the topic.

Most network marketing companies have an "instant gratification" mentality.

For a prospect to make the decision to become part of an organization, several aspects of their lives must be in order. They must have the time to work the business, the money to fund the business, and the desire to make the business successful.

When you first review your opportunity with a prospect, only a small percentage will be in a position to make a firm decision. Their current circumstances prevent them from starting a business.

But, circumstances change!

Enter, your secret weapon. And, that secret weapon is strategic follow-up. To effectively follow-up, subscribing to a good autoresponder service is a must. Sending e-mails on a regualr basis is a great way to keep in touch with your prospects.

Never send e-mails that are pushy and overly promotional. Your prospects will just get turned off, and they will stop accepting your messages. Rather, send your prospects useful information and helpful resources. If you write articles, sending prospects links to your best articles establishes you as an expert.

Informing your prospects of upcoming company events, and new product offerings can also be effective. After you have established yourself as a trusted resource, it is perfectly okay to approach your prospects about your opportunity again.

Who knows, they may approach you first!

Continue to send e-mails to your prospects indefinitely. You want to reach your prospect at the exact time that they are ready to make a decision. Timing is everything!

In conclusion, just because a prospect says "no"to your offering initially,  does not mean they will never be interested in your business. Lives change. Priorities change. The key to network marketing success is "gentle" persistence. You want your opportunity fresh on the mind of a prospect when they are ready to take action.