Five Coping Skills to Help Grievers Get Through the Holidays

May 3


Susan Burks

Susan Burks

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During the festive season, those experiencing grief can find the holidays particularly tough. This article explores five effective strategies that have supported individuals, like a mother coping with her son's chronic illness diagnosis, through their most challenging times.


Understanding Grief During the Holidays

The holiday season,Five Coping Skills to Help Grievers Get Through the Holidays Articles often filled with joy and celebration, can be a stark contrast to the feelings of those who are grieving. Whether it’s due to the loss of a loved one, the diagnosis of a chronic illness, or any other significant life change, the festive cheer can amplify feelings of sadness and loss. According to a survey by the American Psychological Association, nearly 38% of people reported their stress level increased during the holiday season. Factors include financial demands, family interactions, and maintaining personal health.

Coping Strategies to Navigate Grief

1. Designate Time for Grieving

It can be beneficial to set aside a specific time daily to focus on your emotions and allow yourself to grieve. This method helps in managing overwhelming feelings and can provide a structure during chaotic times. For instance, scheduling 15 minutes in the evening to reflect and cry can prevent grief from consuming your entire day.

2. Daily Acts of Self-Kindness

Commit to doing one kind thing for yourself each day, no matter how small. This could be enjoying a favorite coffee, taking a long bath, or spending time in nature. The key is to acknowledge that despite the grief, you deserve moments of joy and relief.

3. Participate in Support Groups

Engaging with support groups can provide comfort and understanding from those who are experiencing similar feelings of loss. Websites like GriefShare offer resources and links to local support groups, which can be invaluable during tough times.

4. Find Reasons to be Grateful

Identifying things you are grateful for each day can shift focus from grief to appreciation, even if momentarily. This practice can start with simple acknowledgments like being thankful for a sunny day or a comforting meal. Over time, this can help in adjusting to a new normal.

5. Prioritize Restful Sleep

Sleep is crucial for emotional and physical recovery. Grief can disrupt sleep patterns, leading to a cycle of fatigue and increased stress. Establishing a calming bedtime routine and consulting healthcare providers for sleep disturbances can significantly aid in coping with grief.

The Impact of Grief on Health

Grief not only affects emotional health but can have physical repercussions as well. The Bereavement Care journal highlights that bereavement can lead to sleep disturbances, changes in appetite, and even immune system dysfunction. Addressing these symptoms with the coping strategies mentioned can help mitigate some of the adverse effects of grief.


While the holidays can amplify feelings of loss, employing specific coping strategies like scheduling grief time, performing acts of self-kindness, engaging in support groups, practicing gratitude, and ensuring adequate sleep can provide some relief. Each person's journey through grief is unique, and these strategies are not one-size-fits-all but starting points for finding what works best for you during these times.