Internet marketing is easy... when you break down those defences

Jan 16


Christopher Kyalo

Christopher Kyalo

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The net is full of people who have failed in their ... people have not failed because they are not smart. Heckthey are more rocket ... out there than you can ... internet


The net is full of people who have failed in their marketing.

These people have not failed because they are not smart. Heck
they are more rocket scientists out there than you can imagine.

Their internet marketing is not successful simply because
they've failed to recognize two critical facts.

Yep. Just two miserable,Internet marketing is easy... when you break down those defences Articles but critical facts about the net.

The first fact is that the internet is an improved version
of the telephone and not of the television. That means that
in your internet marketing you should use the web more like
the most advanced telephone on earth. Read the full article
at either of these links;

or this one:

The other thing is that you must be aware of the heavy
defences prospective clients on the net place against
any internet marketing aimed at them.

Use yourself to do some extremely important research that
could be worth a fortune to you. How do you react to the
following offline situations?

How do you react when a stranger approaches you and tries to
sell something to you? How do you treat door-to-door sales

Hold on to your answer and let us go to the next part of this
important experiment.

How do you react in the two cases above even when you need
the particular product being sold?

In most cases the initial reaction is the same, we build up
a defensive mechanism against anybody who wants to sell us
something. The shrinks will have better words to describe
the whole thing but for the benefit of this article what
you need to understand is that by simply breaking down these
defences, you greatly and dramatically increase your chances
of making a sale. Breaking down these defences is not a very
diffult feat to accomplish.

I once did it for an offline business and was amazed at the
instant and rapid success I got literally overnight. (Read
the full amazing story by ordering my free report, simply
send a blank email to bizboom at

Now let us come back online.

It is important to know that these defences we all build
around us become stronger when we visit an area where the
number of people trying to sell us something is
exceptionally high.

Now here is the bombshell. The net is a place where there
are just too many people trying to sell us stuff. From
banner advertisements to those annoying pop up ads that
interrupt your every move on the net. To annoyting SPAM
that clogs up our email boxes and forces the creating of
filters that now even reject important mail we want to

It becomes easy to understand why online advertisements
do so badly and informative articles are so effective. This
is very valuable information for anybody doing any form of
online marketing. Especially those in affiliate programs
and those web sites who ran them.

Actually the most amazing ebook I have ever read, describes
in great detail, complete with figures from research, the
difference it makes when you break down the defences of a
client before you try to sell them anything. Although this
ebook is mainly targeted at affiliates, it has very valuable
nuggets that every internet marketer needs.

Download this ebook at

Reading this ebook was the most profitable exercise I have
ever undertaken online. You will agree with me after you
finish reading it. It's amazing the stuff you can get for
free online.

If you understand these two critical facts and do something
about them, there is no power on earth that can stop you
from being a successful online marketer.