The 4 Cornerstones to Successfully Creating a Blog

Nov 22


TJ Philpott

TJ Philpott

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When creating a blog serious thought must be given to how you will manage the maintenance of it before it goes live on the net. Your blog building will be a gradual process that will require some sort of content development strategy to be in place. Read more to discover the 4 key components of your blog you will need to address in order to attract and retain a large subscriber list.


The 4 main components that go into successfully creating a blog are not mystical or scientific but instead incorporate a rather logical approach. Blog Building is more a process then it is a one time event. It involves a ritualistic approach to content development and blog posting which over a period of time is what attracts and retains subscribers. It also involves wandering outside the realm of your site to gain the attention of those who might not otherwise be aware of the existence and benefits of your blog.

Let's look at the 4 components that are integral to the blog building process.

Blog Theme  

The choice of your subject or the theme of your site should be reflected in the design you put together or choose. Obviously you want the blog theme and your design to be consistent so as to not send conflicting or confusing signals to your visitors.

Depending upon what your theme or niche may be you also want to choose blog graphics that are the most appropriate. One thing to consider here is that you may want to select colors and sizes that are not offensive to the readers' eyes so choose your blog graphics wisely.

Content Development

Upon deciding what your blog theme is you should establish some type of content development strategy since your blog will need to be updated frequently. Determining how to source out any information you may and will need is important at this stage before your site is live on the net.

Planning ahead now on how you are going to research and gather the information you will need will help avoid future disruptions.

Blog Posting

Your blog posting will be like CPR to your site since this is what will breathe life into it. This is where you will take your research or any other information and put it into a format that will best 'serve' your readers. As the author you will want to dress up your presentations in such a way to be more enticing to any visitors reviewing your content.

Now do not freak here thinking this will be a challenge you can not handle since all you need to do is just write as you would talk. In addition to that inject your opinions and insight where applicable and your readers will love it.

Social Networking

As hard as it may be to imagine not 'everybody' hangs out in the blogosphere! There will be many who will have an interest in what your site is all about but sometimes you have to 'find' them.

Since blogs are interactive social sites why not go visit similar sites such as any social network locations online. While broadening your contact base in this manner you will find groups or communities that have an interest in content like yours.

Let them know about your site by always having a 'handy' link available to send them.

When creating a blog you need to realize you are actually creating something for others to enjoy. The process of blog building occurs over a period of time and is bolstered by a content development strategy that targets the subscribers' interests. It is necessary to understand the 4 key components or cornerstones we spoke of above and their importance to the development of your site. By doing so your blog will likely be a fundamentally sound and popular site with a large subscriber base.