The Significance of "Evangelical" in Our Church's Name

Apr 26


Howard Young

Howard Young

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Understanding the profound meaning behind the middle name of Holy Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church can deepen our appreciation and commitment to its mission. Often, we abbreviate the church's name for convenience, but each element of the name holds deep significance, reflecting our foundational beliefs and the mission to spread the good news of salvation through Christ.


The Power of a Name

Growing up,The Significance of many of us might have felt a certain embarrassment or discomfort around our middle names, especially if they seemed old-fashioned or were used by our parents in moments of discipline. Howard "Ole" Young shares a personal anecdote about his middle name, "Ole," named after his grandfather, which he grew to appreciate over the years for its familial significance and the values it represented.

Similarly, the middle name "Evangelical" in Holy Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church is not just a label but a declaration of the church's core mission. The term 'Evangelical' is derived from the Greek word 'euangelion', meaning 'good news', specifically, the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This is foundational to the church's identity and purpose.

Why "Evangelical" Matters

Historical and Theological Context

The use of "Evangelical" in the church's name is deeply rooted in theological and historical contexts. It reflects a commitment to the authority of Scripture as the word of God and emphasizes the importance of preaching the Gospel and converting individuals to Christianity. Historically, the Evangelical movement has been a driving force in numerous revivals and social reform movements across the globe.

Current Usage and Misconceptions

In today's context, the term "Evangelical" has various connotations and can sometimes be misunderstood or associated with political movements, especially in the United States. However, at its core, being Evangelical is about adhering to the Gospel and ensuring that the teachings of Jesus Christ are heard and understood, which is central to the mission of Holy Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church.

Living Up to Our Name

As we move through the liturgical seasons of Lent, Easter, and Pentecost, it is a timely reminder to reflect on whether we are truly living up to our name. Are we actively participating in sharing the good news as Apostle Paul urged in 2 Timothy 4:2? This scripture calls for persistence in preaching, correcting, and encouraging with patience and careful instruction, regardless of the season.

Engaging the Community

  1. Invite and Engage: Encourage church members to invite friends, family, and neighbors to services.
  2. Community Outreach: Organize events that serve the community and also provide an opportunity to share the Gospel.
  3. Education and Discipleship: Offer classes and discussion groups that help deepen understanding of the Bible and its teachings.


The name "Holy Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church" encapsulates our beliefs and our mission. It is a constant reminder of our duty to spread the good news of Jesus Christ. As members of this congregation, let us embrace and live up to our "middle name" with renewed vigor and commitment.

For further reading on the impact of the Evangelical movement and its historical significance, visit The Gospel Coalition and Christianity Today.

Howard "Ole" Young invites us to not only reflect on the names we carry but also to act upon the values they represent, ensuring that the good news of Christ reaches all corners of our community.