On Page SEO Kent

Jun 14


Jose Antonio

Jose Antonio

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Hi everyone, Jose here from Improve My Search Ranking.com. This article highlights all the most important on page SEO factors you should consider when building new pages on your website. Implement these tips and your pages will be super-relevant!

Hi all and welcome to another SEO blog post of mine. Today we will be walking through the best practise steps and principles you should be adhering to when creating pages on your website.First and foremost it is important to understand that the way in which you page is coded has an impact on how relevant Google will view it. There are several places with each pages 'architecture' your traget keywords should appear.Now most importantly your page copy must be super amazing content and 'link worthy'. Once you feel your page copy/images/videos etc are super-like you need to make sure you add your target keyword in certain places. This blog post is from The SEO in Kent Agency.1. URLIn the actual URL - this is in my opinion the most important place to add your keyword. One for the relevancy factor it gives search engine robots,On Page SEO Kent Articles two because it should make the URL easy to remember and three because the words used in the URL are often used as the anchor text from linking websites.2. Title tagSearch engine robots gauge the relevancy of a page on certain factors - the title tag is my opinion the second most important area to add your target keyword. It is advised keywords are added there too for the human reader who will see the title tag in the browser bar and within the search engine results pages.3. ImagesImages are becoming every more readable to search engine robots, however Google, Yahoo and their friends are still not great at distinguishing what an image is of therefor we need to help them out by adding 'alt text' and 'titles' to each of our images. Doing this shows what an image is to Google. Where possible I would also add a caption to the image highlighting what it is (tip: include the keyword).4. HeadingsHeading tags are HTML tags etc that tell search engine robots what the main topics on a webpage are. This relevancy indicator is now less effective than it used to be, however it is still a good idea to use and helps both human and search robots understand the flow of the page. Use your main keywords in the h1, then less important, but related keywords in the h2s and h3s.5. Metadescription The metadescription, much like the metakeywords has no direct influence on your position in the search engine results pages. However, it is prime real estate on the results pages and a compelling metadescription can really help click-though rates. Moreover, when a keyword is searched for an it is present in the metadescription it becomes bold on the results page - this really highlights to a human reader than this page is relevant to their search.Make sure you write great metadescriptions! Don't feel you don't have to optimise them as they don't directly influence your search position! Thanks for reading this post - for more head on over to Improve My Search Ranking.com or read our partner SEO agency Kent blogs!All the best!Jose