Tips you may or may not know about writing articles for seo:

Nov 28


Sabrina Whetham

Sabrina Whetham

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Take some time to read these tips on how to write articles for seo backlinks.


  1. Research your keyword phrase! Make sure that your article is relevant to your website. It is good to choose one keyword phrase per article. Make sure you look into what keywords people are actually searching in order to find your site and use these phrases to base your articles off of. A great tool for this is Google Keyword Tool.
  2.  Make sure your keyword phrase is in your title,Tips you may or may not know about writing articles for seo: Articles and several times throughout your article. Make sure you don’t use it too many times though. Some article sites will not accept your article because they consider this keyword stuffing. Typically, consider how many paragraphs you have... and try not to exceed using your keyword more than that many times.  (ie) if you have an article that is 5 paragraphs long, only use your keyword 5 or 6 times throughout your article, not including your title.
  3. Get right to your point in the first paragraph. Be sure that your readers can read the first paragraph and know exactly what they will be reading about throughout the rest of the article.
  4. Of Course, include a link to your website. Some article sites allow you to include this link within your article. Another great place that you can use is the “About The Author” or “Resource Box.” Make sure your site is a hyper link with anchor text being the keyword phrase you are using throughout that article. Another tip is to also include a location in this anchor text so search engines associate you with a specific city or region.  
  5.  Be sure your final paragraph brings conclusion to your whole article and also try to incorporate a call to action. Even better would be a call to action that will cause them to click on your website link, if the link is at the end of your article.
  6. Be sure to keep your articles on interesting and information packed topics. Don't fill your whole article with mostly common sense knowledge. Try to give your reader something they did not know before. This is a very important tip to remember!
  7. There are tips you can put into action when choosing an article title. Again, make sure your keyword phrase is in your title. How too’s, Top 10s and Tips on... are great ways to begin your title. Make sure your title tells the reader exactly what your article is about. Try to consider what people will search for to find the information you are providing. (ie)  How do I change my furnace filter?
  8. Write all your articles as if the reader doesn’t know anything about your topic. Make sure your information is simple to understand.