Golf Instruction Online- Causes and cures for the hook shot

Nov 1


Steve Furniaux

Steve Furniaux

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Do we need to do everything perfectly to play  a decent game of golf? Thankfully no we don't. Even if we got close to the perfect swing every time things can still go wrong. Ask Tiger Woods or Retief Goosen.

These two great players have arguably two of the best,Golf Instruction Online- Causes and cures for the hook shot Articles most classic swings in the world of golf.  Do they hit bad shots? Well yes. I’ve seen Tiger have days when he can’t keep it on the fairway and Retief stay on the backfoot and hook it out of sight.

So no need to be perfect but if you have a fault you need to understand why it happens and be able to deal with it quickly. In this Golf Instruction Online article we will deal with the hook.

Here’s three things you can do to cure the problem.

#1. Check your grip. Simple as it sounds a lot of players get very strong with their grip, it gives them a sense of power. Make sure your hands are not turned too far to the right on the grip. If they are then rotate both hands towards the target, just don’t overdo it.

#2. Move the ball more towards your left foot. Or forward in the stance. If you play the ball too far back it will close your shoulder line, moving it forward will stop this.

#3. Make sure your weight transfers and you finish the swing with your weight on the front foot. In my opinion this is the most common reason for the hook shot. If your weight stays back it causes your hands and arms to outrace your body and flip the clubface over, wrapping the clubface around the ball and hooking it out the ball park.

So plenty to go try out there, hope this golf instruction online article helps you to eliminate your hook. Happy golfing.