Cheap digital camera- The top structure to organize pictures

Dec 29


Soo Yeon Jung

Soo Yeon Jung

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You can capture plenty of pictures with a cheap digital camera. In addition, you need to learn how to organize them.


There are groups and schools that suggest different ways to organize the images cheap digital camera directory. The most important thing is to create a hierarchical structure that is useful,Cheap digital camera- The top structure to organize pictures Articles a system that meets your needs and you are willing to follow. The folder hierarchy should fit the way you work and how you think your image processing.

If you follow a structure based on projects or events, then the classification should be as year, month and day using two digits. This method allows you to group and identify files by date hierarchical order: year, month, day and event. But you must consider other issues discussed in the next section.

How to call the photo files

As we name call or photo files this is another important aspect of the organization of the images within our cheap digital camera workflow as it is the staple of our organizational structure.

Most cheap digital camera models today do not name the photo files that meet the minimum requirements that need, including a name unique. To name the photo files properly follows three steps:

Ø  Follow the rules of the naming system for your computer files. Only numbers (0-9). Avoid other punctuation characters. The files must end with a three-letter extension preceded by a period.

Ø  Use a unique name for each picture.

You must create a system for naming your photos to ensure a unique name for each. This will prevent confusion for you and your clients as well to avoid loss of images of the operating system errors. Develop it and establish what you want. Once you standardize your cheap digital camera system and adhere to it you will feel satisfied. To ensure a unique number you can use one or more of the following:

§  Your last name at the beginning of the name

§  The date of the event or photo shoot

§  An imaging sequence number

§  A sequential number for each project

Remember you can only have 31 characters per name for both files folders. Avoid using the name of the event or project as part of the file name - Leave that to the name of the folder. Use suffixes to identify the original photos of the derivative - Another item you can use are a suffix that identifies the type of cheap digital camera picture that is derivative. In this way just to see the file name you can identify the type - original, teacher, derivative - and format.