Plastic Card Printer Selection

Sep 14


Catherine Williams

Catherine Williams

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People are now more concern of their selves and property. In business setting where there are many lives and properties that you must protect, what should you do?


Choosing the best security options for your business or school seems like a difficult task. There are so many alternatives on the market and so many people and things to protect.

Some things to review as you thing about organizational security is how comprehensive the system is. The system should provide security for employees and also visitors. Secured information needs to remain secure while appropriate access is not difficult for the person who needs access to perform their job function. Physical property and equipment may also need to be secured. You may also plan to expand in the future. Both current and future projections need to be reviewed to ensure that the system can be scaled as needed to meet upcoming requirements.

The best security system is normally a combination of different options that work together to provide safety for property and people. Photo id systems, card reader access systems,Plastic Card Printer Selection Articles CCTV systems and others can be integrated to provide for the organization security needs.

A plastic card printer system provides a colored or monochrome plastic printed card the size of your credit card. The card can stand alone for visual identification or it can be combined with other systems such as a card reader system to provide access to secured areas and networks.

The photo id provides security by placing the picture of the card holder on the card. The unique photo makes it difficult to pass the card off to someone who desires to pose as the employee. If a bar code is added to the card, additional security layers can be easily integrated. With the appropriate software and access system setup, the reading of the bar code can grant or deny access to areas of the organization.

By using a photo id with bar codes, embedded magnetic stripes or smart card encoding, access is made simple for employees. Employees do not need to remember a password or code to type into a keypad. The card can be simply swiped or held close to a card reader to review and grant appropriate access as allowed. With the photo id, it is easy for employees to think about their job functions with ease. Productivity will increase without the added thoughts about entry procedures.

Photo ID systems have become much more advanced in the past few years. Custom card needs, security features in the card and advanced card options have been reviewed, implemented and marketed by many of the quality major printer manufactures in today's marketplace. Ways to carry or wear cards are numerous, including attachments such as a badge reel or lanyard.

It is important to know a bit of the industry jargon as you review ID card printer systems. Often ID card integrators will spend free consultation time with someone interested in implementing a system in their organization. They will review your specific card need criteria and develop a custom system plan that will meet current and projected future needs. This assistance is invaluable for a business manager whose ultimate goal is to provide needed security and move on with additional organizational needs at the same time.