Teaching Kids to Ski on Winter Activity Holidays for Families

Apr 22


Lisa Jeeves

Lisa Jeeves

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Summary: Winter activity holidays offer a unique opportunity for families to bond over learning to ski. This guide provides essential tips for parents on teaching their children to ski, from selecting the right equipment and location to mastering basic techniques and ensuring fun on the slopes.


Introduction to Family Ski Holidays

Winter holidays are a fantastic time for families to come together and enjoy the thrill of skiing. Teaching your children to ski not only fosters a sense of achievement but also strengthens family bonds. Whether you're a seasoned skier or a novice,Teaching Kids to Ski on Winter Activity Holidays for Families Articles guiding your child through their first slides on snow can be a rewarding experience.

Choosing the Right Equipment

Essential Ski Gear for Kids

Before hitting the slopes, it's crucial to equip your children with the right gear. Here are some considerations:

  • Skis and Boots: For families who ski frequently, purchasing equipment might be more cost-effective than renting. Consider buying used gear from sports equipment stores or attending ski swaps. According to a report by Snowsports Industries America, families can save up to 50% on gear costs by opting for used equipment.

  • Helmets and Poles: Safety is paramount, so ensure your child has a well-fitting helmet. Ski poles may not be necessary for beginners but can be useful as they advance.

  • Clothing: Invest in waterproof and insulated ski clothing to keep your children warm and dry.

Selecting the Perfect Location

Ideal Skiing Spots for Beginners

The location you choose can significantly impact your child's learning experience. For beginners, small and gentle slopes are preferable. Consider these options:

  • Backyard Hills: Perfect for very young or first-time skiers.
  • Bunny Hills at Ski Resorts: These are designed for beginners and usually have a gentle gradient.

Teaching Techniques and Tips

Basic Skills to Start With

Start by getting your child comfortable with wearing ski boots and walking around in them. Gradually progress to attaching skis and walking on flat surfaces.

The Pizza Technique

Teach your child to form a "pizza" shape with their skis (tips together, tails apart) to control speed. This wedge technique is crucial for slowing down and stopping.

Using a Ski Harness

While some parents opt for a harness and leash system, it's better to allow children to experience skiing freely. Instead, guide them by skiing alongside and using a ski pole for support if necessary.

Turning Techniques

Encourage your child to initiate turns using their feet, knees, and hips rather than leaning heavily on one ski.

Games and Practice

Incorporate games like "follow the leader" to make learning fun and engaging. This also helps children practice their new skills in a playful environment.

Keeping It Fun and Safe

Short Lessons and Regular Breaks

Keep ski sessions short, especially for younger children. A duration of 30-60 minutes is ideal to maintain enthusiasm and prevent fatigue.

Snacks and Hydration

Pack a variety of healthy snacks and ensure children stay hydrated. Regular breaks for hot chocolate can be a delightful treat and a good opportunity for rest.

Positive Reinforcement

Celebrate achievements, no matter how small, to boost confidence and encourage a positive attitude towards learning.


Teaching your kids to ski during family winter holidays can be an enriching experience that builds lifelong memories. By choosing the right equipment, location, and teaching methods, you can ensure a fun and successful introduction to skiing for your children. Remember, the goal is to make skiing enjoyable and safe, fostering a love for the sport that may last a lifetime.

For more detailed information on ski techniques and safety, visit Ski Magazine and National Ski Areas Association.