Chanel Choco: Chocolate, Rubik’s Cube, or Cell Phone?

May 21


Tommy Martin

Tommy Martin

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Imagine an object that resembles an oversized Rubik’s Cube or a piece of chocolate crafted from white, black, or yellow gold. Can you guess what it is? The answer might surprise you: it's the Chanel Choco phone. This unique device combines high fashion with cutting-edge technology, offering a luxurious and innovative experience.


A Fusion of Fashion and Technology

In an era where cell phones are ubiquitous,Chanel Choco: Chocolate, Rubik’s Cube, or Cell Phone? Articles many individuals seek limited editions to express their uniqueness. The Chanel Choco phone, designed by Fred de Garilhe, meets this demand with its creative design and powerful functionality. This first-class fashion phone integrates an optical fiber system that displays images between two glass parts. The phone features 12 micro lighter fibers that project image components onto the glass, providing excellent luminosity while keeping the device as light as possible. The lights only appear when you open the phone by pushing a removable part on its side.

The Design: A Nod to Coco Chanel

When not in use, the glass parts of the Chanel Choco phone are dark, resembling a piece of delectable chocolate. This design choice reflects the mysterious aura and superb design sense of Madame Coco Chanel. The phone's luxurious appearance and innovative technology make it a fitting tribute to the iconic fashion designer.

The Luxury Phone Market

The luxury phone market is a niche but growing segment. According to a report by Grand View Research, the global luxury phone market size was valued at USD 1.2 billion in 2020 and is expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 9.5% from 2021 to 2028 (source). This growth is driven by the increasing demand for unique and high-end devices that offer both functionality and exclusivity.

Interesting Stats

  • Limited Editions: Limited edition phones like the Chanel Choco are highly sought after. For instance, the Vertu Signature Cobra, another luxury phone, was limited to just 8 units worldwide and priced at $360,000 (source).
  • Material Use: The use of precious materials in luxury phones is a significant trend. The iPhone 5 Black Diamond, for example, is made with 135 grams of 24-carat gold and 600 white diamonds, costing around $15 million (source).


The Chanel Choco phone is more than just a communication device; it is a statement of luxury and innovation. Designed by Fred de Garilhe, this phone combines the elegance of Chanel with advanced technology, making it a must-have for those who appreciate both fashion and functionality. As the luxury phone market continues to grow, devices like the Chanel Choco will remain at the forefront of this exclusive segment.

For more information on luxury brands and their products, visit Louis Vuitton, Hermès, and Gucci.

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