Articles Submission FAQ or where and how to post your news, press release, internet blog

Apr 17


Andrew Karasev

Andrew Karasev

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Search Engine Optimization plus getting more internet marketing leads from your PR, articles and other publication is important in your sales strategy and efforts.


There are bulk submitters and there is precise submission practice,Articles Submission FAQ or where and how to post your news, press release, internet blog Articles but both of them require deep understanding of internet search engines specifics.  As your website keywords are obviously unique as it is your business model, the way to work out press release writing tactic is to experiment, having known classical SEO scenarios as the starting point.  Bulk submitters are in essence paid service, which is relatively straightforward – it sends your article to syndicating publishers, who are not necessary the leaders, obviously with exception.  The good point about bulk submission is the fact that google, yahoo, msn page ranking is not precise science it is rather statistics (you probably heard something like google dance).  Statistics means that you will get on the top if you hit high number of media portals with your internet blog.  Let’s move on to precise or manual submission:

1.       Where question.  You can get the list of publishers if you enter something like submit article or PR in google.  However you will have three types of portals.  First one is established and active news portals, where you may not be really recognized as the author if you publish first time or without submission budget.  Second type – new and very promising websites, where you can easily publish your blogs, however they may be not on the top of the search engines – you in fact rather contributing into their start up phase.  The third type of sites is where editors are not current or update their sites one time per month or year – there is little sense to publish there if you need quick results

2.       Article Writing Tips.  Here you need to know SEO tactics.  Try naturally include your keywords into article header, but do not make it clumsy – again the art is to make it smooth and natural.  Do not include all your keywords in the header, place the rest of them into introduction paragraph.  Then, think about exact phrases, that might be of the relevance to your potential customers, and try to include them into your article body

3.       Photo, Video.  Picture and movie files are important but their relevance in contemporary search engines is questionable, we recommend you to upload JPG, BMP, MPG, AVI, GIF files with your press release, but do not expect your blog to be on the top of the internet page just due to animation or graphical illustration
