Get Editors To Buy Your Articles

Feb 5


Alyice Edrich

Alyice Edrich

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How to sell your articles to editors.


Ever wonder what it takes to get editors to buy your articles? Here are four quick tips to help you sell your articles:

ONE --As an editor,Get Editors To Buy Your Articles Articles it can sometimes be difficult to choose which articles to keep and which to pass on. There are times I'd love to buy a whole bunch of articles, but the budget just isn't there. During times like these, I've discovered it's easier -- and pain-free -- to accept the submissions that require very little editing and/or tweaking. And passing on the rest, no matter how much "potential" the articles have. So key one is to do your best the first time, regardless of how much the publisher pays.

TWO --The second key to getting an editor to say yes is to NEVER come off as an irritant in your emails. Don't pester editors about your submission if there's a timeframe for correspondence in the writers' guidelines. And never show the editor that you DID NOT take the time to read the writers' guidelines by asking questions that have been covered in the guidelines themselves: like asking about pay or how long the article should be.

THREE --The third key is to NEVER get snippy with an editor if he/she comes back with an email stating your submission doesn't fit; especially if you've told the editor in an email that you know the article isn't what the publication normally accepts. And if a rewrite is requested, and you don't want to do it, back out graciously. Don't tell the editor off by stating how great of a writer you are. All writers understand that rewrites are inevitable, even when we believe we've written the perfect piece!

FOUR --Finally, show respect. You may not agree with the editor's decision or the requests for changes, but that's no reason to be cruel. You are entitled to disagree. If you really don't like the changes and cannot reach a compromise, graciously turn down the offer then submit your piece elsewhere. You never know where your editor will end up, so don't burn any bridges.

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