How Writing Articles Benefit Online Entrepreneurs

Oct 22


TJ Philpott

TJ Philpott

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Article marketing is a very effective strategy for generating free online advertising but it also carries with it other benefits. The real magic of this marketing technique begins after submitting your article to the online directories. Read more to discover 5 ways article submissions repeatedly benefit not only the business but also your own reputation and education.


One of the most effective and economical methods of getting free online advertising is by writing articles. Although article marketing does takes some effort the benefits are well worth it. In fact when you write interesting articles they can conceivably be circulating around on the internet for years. This indeed is an effective strategy that needs to be included in any promotional mix online.

The benefits of article marketing however are actually multi-dimensional for both the business and the article author.

Here are 5 ways article writing helps build and develop both online entrepreneurs and the businesses that they promote.

Promotes Your Business  

Any article you submit will contain a link back to the site of your choosing. In effect once you submit your article to any of the article directories your work is done. Upon publication your article will be picked up by other sites or read by folks interested in the content. In either case your article will continually circulate 'virally' across the internet containing a link back to whatever it is you are promoting.

Boost SE Ranking

By virtue of the much higher ranking article directories carrying your article and your link a back link has now been created. This will now boost your own search engine rankings due to the link between your site and the higher ranking article directories.

Build Credibility/Online Presence    

Online entrepreneurs always benefit from an increase in their exposure across the internet. This becomes associated with credibility and familiarity in the eyes of potential customers. The net effect is that it breaks down those invisible barriers of resistance most people have with products or people they are unfamiliar with. In the end this reduces the effort and increases the effectiveness of any future marketing efforts.

Encourages Further Research/Education

Proper article research is necessary in order to write intelligently about any subject. This research results in furthering your education on that particular subject. This increase in your education is an investment in yourself for your own betterment and towards the growth of your business.

If you don't grow you will just whither away and will then be brushed aside by the competition.

Does Not Strain Budget

Except for the time and effort invested article marketing is a cost free method of advertising on the internet. Obviously this is a great way to maintain control of your marketing budget.

As mentioned above you can see how writing articles can produce benefits that go beyond the free online advertising. The more interesting articles are circulated around on the internet for a longer period. This results in increased exposure resulting in more sales and greater credibility for the article author. It is therefore easy to conclude that such an effective strategy like this should be part of the promotional mix of your business.