Improper Grammar and Other Problems Editors Do Not Want to See in Manuscripts

Nov 9


Boris Chistyakov

Boris Chistyakov

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When reading an important manuscript, every discerning editor should always take note of the usual errors and problems that may be spread in the entire composition. Some editors instantly return the copies for revising after discovering screaming grammar errors and content distortions in the initial pages.

Most writers get too occupied that they overlook poor grammar and usage,Improper Grammar and Other Problems Editors Do Not Want to See in Manuscripts Articles misspellings, typographical errors, improper punctuation, and other problems. Most copies and manuscripts are not approved for publishing after submission. Editors require revisions to make sure the compositions are impeccable and are perfect. Many writers strive to lessen possible problems for revisions.

Poor grammar is the top problem writers and editors have. Every sentence should be grammatically correct so that the message would be sent across more effectively. Most editors are strict when it comes to grammar because they assume that all writers are already very adept and careful when it comes to such. No editor would ever let poor grammar go without correction. There is an exception to this. If the improper grammar is within a character dialogue or within exact words of quoted persons, then, it should be written as it is.

Here are some others of the most usual problems editors take note that prompt them to seek revision or worse, totally reject a copy.

Redundancy mirrors coherence and consciousness of the writer. No reader would be appreciative of a copy that is full of redundant ideas. The space should be used wisely and efficiently. Repeating of ideas should be avoided, unless there is a strong emphasis. Redundancy could also be observed in improper use of words. Examples are: repeat again, period of time, refer back, past experience, free gift, and the likes.

Improper paragraphing occurs when paragraphs are either too long or are improperly separated. As rule of thumb, make sure there is only one idea tackled in a single paragraph. Good ones are also almost always about three sentences long. Ten sentences in a paragraph may be uneasy to the eyes and to the idea.

Erroneous facts are considered mortal sins when writing. Proper and adequate care should be accorded when including important information and facts in the composition. Accuracy always matters. Any writer should make sure data are well researched so that readers would not be misled. It is the responsibility of editors to make sure such errors would not happen, but it is also more of the responsibility for any writer to make sure erroneous facts are avoided.

Punctuation errors are as grievous as grammar mistakes. This is because punctuations play a critical role in readers' comprehension and smooth reading. There should be no jerky stops and starts. Writers are expected to have already mastered the use of periods, questions marks, commas, exclamation points, and even apostrophes. There are many other punctuation marks that are involved. But experts advise writers to stay away, as much as possible, from parentheses, colons, and dashes, if they aim to significantly avoid possible mistakes.