New Instant Article Writing Template That Will Crush Your Competition to Pieces

Oct 10


Eric Gruber

Eric Gruber

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Article writing and article marketing is the #1 way to increase your website visibility... see how you can write your articles in less than 30 minutes...


You know that article writing and article marketing is the #1 way to increase your website visibility,New Instant Article Writing Template That Will Crush Your Competition to Pieces Articles gain credibility, improve your website traffic and get more sales. So, what's stopping you from writing articles that make you the expert in your industry?

Is it because it takes too much of your time and energy to write the articles?

Well, today, I'm going to show you how to write articles fast.  In fact, you can write your articles in less than 30 minutes once you have completed your research!

How I Created My New Instant Article Writing Template

Recently, I've created an article for my partner Adam Hommey entitled:

"7 Secrets Most Web Designers Don't Want You to Know"

In this article we revealed secrets like:

1. Most web designers have NEVER sold anything online except their overpriced services. You want a web design firm that understands Internet marketing principles and knows what it takes to convert website visitors into paying customers.

2. How it's usually the smallest tweaks that make the BIGGEST impact on your sales. Most web designers push you into a complete and total website makeover. But if you make the same mistakes on the new website - you will NOT convert any better. It's like putting your left hand on the stove and burning yourself and then putting your right hand on the stove thinking because you changed hands, your hand won't burn.

3. An off-the-shelf solution may fit your business better than expensive piece of software that may actually hinder your business.

After writing this article - I said "Wow! I can use this article example to create a great template for my followers to use."

So Here's How to Use My Newest Instant Article Writing Template:                                           "What Most ___________ Don't Want You to Know"

Step1: Research Your Competitors.

Before you even think about writing a single word, you must do your research. You must know your competitors inside out. And, you must know your unique selling proposition. This template pre-sells your products or services.

Step 2: Create Your Intro.

Explain to your audience why you are writing this article and why you're revealing insider secrets that most people in your industry would never think of revealing. If you can, tell a story. People love stories.

Step 3: Start Writing the Meat of the Article

Reveal secret #1. Explain the trap that most people in your industry want prospects to fall in so they can make more money. Then explain, what prospects should look for instead.

Step 4. Keep writing.

Now, that you completed the introduction and secret #1, it gets easier. Now repeat the process for secrets 2 to 7.

Step 5. Make the close

It's time to end the article with a powerful close that gives people two choices. Tell them that you can continue to fall in these traps and then paint the picture of pain. Then, tell readers that there is a better way if they follow your advice. Then paint a picture of how things can be better.

This is just one of many instant article writing templates that can help you write your articles in 30 minutes or less. If you want more article writing templates, you can get my complete Instant Article Writing Template Kit at