Promote your self or business online by Writing Articles

Jul 18


Samuel Herrick

Samuel Herrick

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Writing article and its marketing is a zero cost way to promote your website and allows you to submit as many articles as you can to the article directories. In fact there is no limit on high quality article submissions.


Do you want to promote your self or your content or business online through worldwide. Now stop wasting your time and money making mistakes with other marketing tricks like email marketing,Promote your self or business online by Writing Articles Articles advertise etc. A writer is not a writer until they put words to paper or screen and this is the application of the training that you will have acquired over the years. If you are ezine writer and write niche articles, now you can be member of Ezine Authors Directory and you can submit articles free. Because article writing is an art to spread the creative and useful information to your readers and can attract news readers and visitor your self and services you provide.

Write useful article and submit your articles periodically in article directories. Some special guidelines need to keep in mind when submitting your article in directories is: 1) make sure that you are free to publish the article elsewhere. 2) You can then take the same material and submit it to article directories for publication. 3) There should be permission of having at least one link based on anchor text in article content column and at least one link based on anchor text in author or resource box.  4) write a short summary that describe full article within few sentences. 5) Select appropriate category where your article will be listed. Proper category makes easy search and navigation of particular article or content. 6) A very important step is making your Title attractive that may create high clicks and hits.

You can earn money also by writing articles and promote it. As long as you have an ounce of creativity you will be able to become a good writer money maker. In the art of writing there are several areas or levels of expertise and different types of writes are available online. Some writers writes to tell stories usually they know as hobby writes,  casual writers tries to convey a story, write a review or share knowledge, advanced writer supplies content for others in the way of articles, white papers and reports after doing research. Professional writers, sometimes get paid tens of thousands well for their efforts.

Article writing and its promotion is way that can help you to promote your self or your content or business online through worldwide without wasting your time and money.