Which is Best, Hard or Soft Tonneau Covers?

May 23


Kay Zetkin

Kay Zetkin

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Choosing between hard and soft tonneau covers can be a daunting task. This article delves into the pros and cons of each type, helping you make an informed decision for your truck. Tonneau covers not only protect your cargo from weather elements and theft but also improve your truck's aerodynamics, potentially enhancing fuel efficiency. Read on to discover which type suits your needs best.



Your friend recently installed a tonneau cover on his truck and can't stop raving about its benefits. Now,Which is Best, Hard or Soft Tonneau Covers? Articles you're contemplating whether a tonneau cover is a worthwhile investment for your vehicle. Tonneau covers are designed to shield the truck bed from rain, sun, and other weather conditions, while also safeguarding your cargo from theft. Additionally, they can improve your truck's aerodynamics, which may lead to better gas mileage. According to a study by the Specialty Equipment Market Association (SEMA), tonneau covers can reduce aerodynamic drag by up to 10%, potentially improving fuel efficiency by 5-10% (SEMA).

Types of Tonneau Covers

Tonneau covers come in various materials, including vinyl, fiberglass, ABS plastic, and aluminum. Despite the wide range of options, they generally fall into two main categories: soft covers and hard covers.

Soft Tonneau Covers

Soft tonneau covers are typically made from flexible materials like vinyl and are known for their affordability and ease of use. Here are the main types:

Roll-Up Covers

  • Material: Usually vinyl
  • Attachment: Velcro or snaps
  • Cost: Generally the most affordable option
  • Pros: Easy to install and remove, lightweight
  • Cons: Less secure compared to hard covers

Snap Covers

  • Design: Classic snap design
  • Installation: No drilling required
  • Pros: Easy to attach and detach
  • Cons: Snaps can wear out over time

Snapless Covers

  • Improvement: Uses Velcro instead of snaps
  • Pros: Easier to use than snap covers, more durable
  • Cons: Velcro can lose its grip over time

Hinged Covers

  • Material: Can be hard or soft
  • Design: Hinged at the front of the truck bed
  • Pros: Lightweight, strong, easy access to the truck bed
  • Cons: May be more expensive than other soft covers

Hard Tonneau Covers

Hard tonneau covers are made from more rigid materials like fiberglass or aluminum, offering enhanced security and durability. Here are the main types:

Retractable Covers

  • Design: Rolls up into a canister at the front of the truck bed
  • Pros: Modern look, easy access to the truck bed
  • Cons: Generally more expensive, can be complex to install

Hard Folding Covers

  • Design: Folds into two or more panels
  • Pros: Quick and easy access to the truck bed, highly secure
  • Cons: Can be heavy, more expensive than soft covers

Factors to Consider

When deciding between a hard or soft tonneau cover, consider the following factors:

Cargo Security

  • Soft Covers: Easier to break into, less secure
  • Hard Covers: More secure, often lockable

Access to Truck Bed

  • Soft Covers: Generally easier and quicker to remove
  • Hard Covers: May require more effort to open and close


  • Soft Covers: More affordable, ranging from $100 to $500
  • Hard Covers: More expensive, ranging from $500 to $2,000


  • Soft Covers: Less durable, may need replacement sooner
  • Hard Covers: More durable, longer-lasting


Choosing between a hard and soft tonneau cover ultimately depends on your specific needs and budget. If you prioritize security and durability, a hard cover may be the better option. However, if you are looking for affordability and ease of use, a soft cover could be the way to go. Make sure to weigh the pros and cons carefully to ensure you get the most out of your investment.

For more detailed information on the benefits of tonneau covers, you can visit Consumer Reports and Edmunds.

Interesting Stats

  • Fuel Efficiency: Tonneau covers can improve fuel efficiency by up to 10% (SEMA).
  • Market Growth: The global tonneau cover market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 7.5% from 2021 to 2028 (Grand View Research).
  • Material Preference: 60% of truck owners prefer hard tonneau covers for their enhanced security (Truck Trend).

By considering these factors and statistics, you can make a well-informed decision that best suits your truck and lifestyle.