Skype Optimization And Features

Jul 7




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Skype is one of the most important tools that every freelancer must-have. Most of the time, skype is the first intro to your potential client. It is where interviews happen all the time, and it is where clients hire or reject you.


In every experience that you have with your skype account,Skype Optimization And Features Articles there are hacks and tips that you need to apply. Learning these tips will not only make your skype professional but also show legitimacy. Your skype account must show these qualities because your account will symbolize the first impression of you as a freelancer.

Skype Optimization

Optimizing your skype account means providing legit photo and personal information. You must upload a profile photo that is professional. As for your name, you need to provide your real name. In optimizing your account, you don’t need to provide your whole name, your first and last name will do but, not an alias.

Another thing needed to make your account optimized is to put your freelancing email. This email should be your exclusive email for freelancing.

Next is your “Broadcast.” This is another part of your account where you put updates. In any update that you post, always make sure that you’re not implying a negative vibe. Always show positivity on your post. It is because it will impact the impression that you will provide to your potential clients.

Skype Features

With regards to skype features, there are so many things that you need to explore. First is you can add contacts. You will do this by simply typing the name on the search box and then, add to your contacts.

Another one is in creating messages. In there, features are everywhere like emojis, GIFS, Stickers, and any other capabilities.

Moreover, another feature is you can share a location. An example of this is when your boss wanted to see the location of the next meeting’s set-up. You can send it to your boss while incorporating recorded audio.

Furthermore, you can add files, send a contact, record a message, video message, schedule a call and create a poll.

With the skype capabilities, this freelancing tool shows how useful it is to every freelancing career.

Check this video to learn these tips and hacks! Feel free to tag fellow freelancers or SHARE!
