How to handle recruitment in aviation sector

Feb 9


Krishna Yerra

Krishna Yerra

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Based on the stats published by Ministry of Civil Aviation of India, the total number of domestic as well as international passengers travelling, through airlines originating or connecting India, is expected to be 50 million by 2015.


Currently,How to handle recruitment in aviation sector Articles India is ranked at 9th position in World Aviation Market. Moreover, the ‘Open Sky’ policy by Indian government is expected to make way of opportunity for 60+ international airline brands. In the Indian domestic airline business, private airlines has 75% of market share.


Such a growth in aviation industry has also given rise to high demand of employment opportunities. A wide range of roles and opportunities are available when it comes to applying for a job in Indian aviation industry, these are, but not limited to, flight attendant jobs, airline administrative support, operations agent, avionics technicians, regional sales manager, marketing manager, flight dispatcher, Ground/airport station attendant, aviation meteorologist, passenger service agent, ramp planner, reservation sales agent, sales representative, crew schedule coordinator, airline station agent, airline ticket agent, airline flight instructor, aviation attorney and much more.


This very industry scenario has given rise to a good number of reputed institutions and colleges for candidates to pursue future in aviation in India. A maximum number of hiring is done through these campus hiring activities only. Being the most lucrative industry in terms of salary and perks, aviation sector has attracted a plethora of freshers.


The recruitment drives are conducted almost every month. With so many brands operating in and around India, regular release of job openings has been observed in this sector. For lateral hirings, companies post their job advertisement on the job portal sites, local newspaper and conduct walk in interviews, as well. As with majority of fresher hiring, candidates are rated to communication skills, interpersonal skills and personality. After selecting the candidates, they hire them within one week or a few days depending on the needs of the firm.


Such a high frequency of campus hirings has tangled recruiters into manual recruitment practices, which is consuming their time, efforts and money. An online applicant tracking system can help increase efficiency with its campus hiring module for conducting online tests and interview process. Such recruitment softwares performs all tasks from automated resume parsings to online interview scheduling. Bulk emailing services is another unique feature through which recruiters can advertise their job openings to their talent pool at one-click.


Many employers are now looking at Applicant Tracking System as an integral part of any recruitment strategy, as it helps them to manage a large number of candidates. It is easy to use and has a user-friendly interface.