4 Ways Making Eye Contact Can Help You Pick Up Women

Sep 10


Scott J. Patterson

Scott J. Patterson

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Eye contact can help you pick up a woman. In this article, you’ll learn 4 ways you can use simple eye contact to attract women.


A woman’s eyes can reveal a LOT about her personality.  And this is especially true when it shows her levels of attraction. 

The truth is women DO display specific body language cues through their eyes which indicate when they find a guy attractive.  The trick is being able to detect these signals and interpret their meaning.  When you know you’re being given specific “attraction signals”,4 Ways Making Eye Contact Can Help You Pick Up Women Articles you can use this information to increase your chances of success with women.

In this article, I’m going to reveal four of the most common eye contact signals you can receive from a woman and what they mean.  Let’s get started…

#1- The Vertical Look

The Vertical Look is the classic “checking you out” signal.  This is when a woman will give look at your face then literally run her eyes up and down your body.  It’s VERY similar to the look that guys give when we notice an attractive girl (Except they’re more subtle about it)

The idea behind The Vertical Scan is that this woman saw something she liked about your face and wanted to “find out more” about you.  That’s why she gives a look from your face all the way down your body.  When you get a look like this, you know that she is at LEAST somewhat attracted you.  So you can use this look to initiate a conversation.

#2- The Approach Look

There are some LUCKY moments when you’ll receive a direct look from a woman.  Usually when you receive ‘The Approach Look’ from a woman, you’re being given a signal which shows she wants to be approached. 

It’s a simple look.  Whenever you’re scanning a room, if a woman holds eye contact with you or smiles at your glance, then you’re being given a subtle invitation to walk over and talk to her.  So obviously whenever you see this sign you should use it to approach a woman.

#3- The ‘I Like You’ Look

Now when you’re talking to a woman, you’ll experience some moments when her eyes will reveal high levels of attraction.  The first of them is when you’ll see that she has pupil dilation.

What’s interesting is all human beings have an unconscious reflex to dilate their pupils whenever we’re talking to a persona we find attractive.   This means when you’re in a conversation and you notice that her pupil (the black center of her eye) is dilated then you know that she’s attracted to you. 

So when you get a sign like this, then you know that your attraction building techniques are working.

#4- The ‘Kiss Me’ Look

Now the final eye contact signal you’ll receive from a woman is when she wants to be kissed.  During certain moments of a conversation a woman will look directly at you and send a clear indicator that she wants you to initiate a kiss.

Here’s how it works.  During a conversation, you might notice that a woman will look directly into your eyes, then down to your lips.  In fact, she might give this look a few times.

When you receive this signal, immediately take action.  Just KISS her.  Yes, it’s that simple.  Since she has sent you signals, then it’s important to take advantage of this opportunity!

Making (and interpreting) eye contact with a woman is a great way to detect her attraction signals.  When you know you’re being given clear indicators of interest, then it’ll become easy to increase your success!