Why Breaking a Follow-up Date is a Great Way to Build Attraction

May 6


Scott J. Patterson

Scott J. Patterson

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Breaking a follow-up date is a great way to increase attraction with a woman. Find out why.


Here's a tip that's not for the weak of heart...

During your dating life,Why Breaking a Follow-up Date is a Great Way to Build Attraction Articles you'll be going out with a variety of women.  In fact, your goal is to establish yourself as a higher status guy who provides women with fun experiences.  In order to do this, you have to show her that she should value the time that you spend together.

The best way to establish this is try this technique…

After you've gone on few dates with a woman, you've probably built up enough attraction and chemistry.  Now if you REALLY want to build up heightened levels of attraction, then you should do this:

Break your third or fourth date!

Although this technique might seem counterintuitive, I can tell you purposefully breaking a date is a great way to increase her level of interest in you. 

Here's why...

According to the 'Scarcity Principle', taking something away from a person will make them more interested.  Breaking a follow-up date does the same thing with a woman.  It makes her wonder if you're REALLY interested in her.  By sowing a little bit of doubt, she'll try to work harder for your affections.

Just remember a few things about this technique:

Breaking a date can be a slightly disrespectful way to treat a woman.  So if you decide to follow my advice, then recommend that you follow these 3 simple rules:

1) Cancel NO LATER then two days before the date.  That way, she can make other plans.

2) Tell her that you can't make it today, but you still want to go out on another day

3) DON'T go out to a public place where you might be caught by her.  If you break a date, then go out with your buddies to a local bar you'll might risk bumping into her

Breaking a date is a sneaky thing to do to a woman.  But if you're interesting in establishing higher status, then I would recommend trying it one time.

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