You're the One that I want!

Jun 21


Kirsten Deacon

Kirsten Deacon

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The most effective and enjoyable way to attract your ideal partner and relationship - and the story behind the method


In the past I’ve struggled,You're the One that I want! Articles like many, to find an easy, balanced and fulfilling relationship.  For instance, I once developed a really annoying pattern of attracting, and being attracted to, men who tended to lie.  For years I found myself in challenging and unsatisfactory relationships, each time I met someone new I thought it would be different, yet it always bore the same characteristics.  Why did I keep falling for the same kind of men?

Whilst trying to understand why a decent relationship continued to elude me, I discovered something called the Law of Attraction.  A book called ‘Excuse Me… Your Life is Waiting’, was recommended to me.  It was one of those pivotal moments.  As a result of reading that book, I changed my life completely.

Understanding the Law of Attraction allowed me to uncover the reason why I’d been attracted to men whom I felt had been dishonest.  A few years prior I’d been in a relationship with someone who showed traits of being a compulsive (or pathological) liar.  I didn’t come to realise this until the relationship had ended.  Then I was so destroyed by the revelation I couldn’t stop thinking about it, to the degree of becoming obsessed.

Because I gave it a lot of attention, and did so with so much passion and anger, similar relationships were manifested again and again.  [According to the Law of Attraction, when you pay attention to something, and give it a strong emotional charge, the chances of it becoming a physical reality are far increased.]  The fact it kept happening only served to reinforce my belief that dishonesty was everywhere.  I needed to switch focus, change my thoughts, and shift my attention onto other things - things that I wanted, rather than things that I didn’t want.

Thinking about the kind of partner I wanted to meet and my ideal relationship was challenging at first - I could only think about the disappointing experiences I’d had and what I didn’t want.  By considering the opposite of those unwanted characteristics and experiences, I managed to focus on aspects of a person and relationship that gave me a really good feeling.  I began to make a list of these desired characteristics, which eventually grew into something I call my partner blueprint.

Within a few months of completing it I met a man who was very different to the men I’d been attracted to in the past.  The attraction began with strong curiosity and apprehension – I didn’t quite understand it.  Because this man was so different, I wasn’t sure whether I found him attractive or not.  We spent time together as friends, and as I got to know him I discovered that he embodied more and more of the characteristics defined in my blueprint.  I allowed the attraction to develop over the course of a few weeks and we then embarked on a relationship together.

As the relationship developed he began mirroring what I’d described in my blueprint.  One of the things I’d written down was, he’s good at fixing things, is multi-skilled and can turn his hand to many things including DIY.  After only a few weeks together he was spontaneously offering to fix things around my house, something I hadn’t experienced before (NB: this man is a complementary therapist, not a builder!)

I also expressed a desire to work with my partner, exploring different business ventures – one being filmmaking.  Within a few months we’d begun discussing an idea for a documentary.  There are many more examples that could be shared, but since this is quite a personal subject I’d rather keep most of it private. I would like to add however, that the relationship has always been very open and honest – naturally!

One of greatest things I’ve found about this approach is how easy and enjoyable it’s been.  I’d always believed that locating that special person was the most difficult thing to do.  Like, where you’re supposed to go, and when, and how to get invites at the right time to the right places, etc.  In truth the most challenging part of the process was working out what the hell I wanted. 

Getting clear on what you want can be quite tricky.  For one, it’s very easy to focus our attention on stuff we don’t want to experience.  Added to which it can be difficult to spend any reasonable time visualising the experience we really want.  These are conditioned behaviours that our society is largely driven by.  For many people it’s necessary to consciously change thought patterns in order to spend more time visualising experiences that are wanted than those that aren’t.

Another important factor is belief.  You have to believe you can really have what you want in order to picture it and pursue it.  A sense of worth can play a big part in the picture.

Eg. Do I really deserve to have a relationship with the most wonderful man/woman I can imagine? 

Often it’s the subconscious belief that we don’t deserve the best that’s the cause of attracting a partner who doesn’t meet our needs.  Fortunately there are a number of ways that our beliefs can be reprogrammedso that they support our goals rather than sabotage them.

Another revelation for me was that there’s an abundanceof potential partners out there for each and every one of us.  Our social conditioning promotes the idea of scarcity and lack across the board, whereas the truth is that we live in an abundant Universe full of infinite possibilities.  The term ‘the one’ or ‘soul mate’ can imply that there’s only one person in the world you’re destined to be with and encourages a philosophy of scarcity.

The idea that there’s just one special person out there for everyone can generate a lot of pressure.  It can also promote feelings of insecurity and possessiveness which can drain the energy and fun out of ordinarily good relationships.  So, if you can set out knowing there’s a number of potential partners out there for you at any given point in time it can make for a much more relaxed experience.

I’ve since used this method many times with friends and clients, with great results, and have written an eCourse - Love Profusion: How to attract your ideal partner in 3 easy steps.

The course talks you through the simplest and most effective way of meeting your ideal partner and creating the best relationship for you, with easy and enjoyable exercises that can be done anytime and anywhere.  The course is based on a simple 3-step solution – Appreciate, Discover and Create – and can be used to improve an existing relationship as well as creating a new one.

If you can Appreciate your attributes you automatically generate a higher frequency of energy and become a positive magnet – attracting desired people and circumstances to you.  The Discover phase focuses on uncovering your heart’s desire and shows you how to benefit from all your past experiences as well as opening your mind to new and exciting possibilities.  Create shows you how to manifest the partner and relationship you want with the power of your intention – using the blueprint template. 

This process is really simple and requires little effort to get results, particularly if you have fun in the process.  So let yourself go, trust and enjoy the process.  Feeling good is a really important part of the experience, since it ensures you are the most attractive positive magnet you can be.

Courses start from only £15.  To read more about the Law of Attraction, the 3-step solution, reprogramming and the courses on offer visit