5 Ways You Can Make Your Site More Visible To The Search Engines

Sep 12


Martin Malden

Martin Malden

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5 Steps you can take to make your site easily visible to the search engines and enable them to find out what it's all about. Essential prerequisites to attracting free search engine traffic.


There are two areas you need to focus on to effectively promote your site for free: things you can do on your site,5 Ways You Can Make Your Site More Visible To The Search Engines Articles and things you can do off your site - i.e. throughout the rest of the web.

Firstly, you need to optimize your site for the search engines. Optimizing your site for the search engines breaks down into on-site and off-site optimisation.

Off site optimization is about getting lots of incoming links - but that's the subject of another article. Here we're looking at on-site optimisation.

On site SEO is about making it easy for the search engines to find your site and to find their way around your site.

Here are 5 things you can do to make their job easier:

1) Install a sitemap in the root directory of your site.

You can create a site map here - it's a free site map generator tool: http://www.xml-sitemaps.com/. Just follow the instructions they give you and upload the file they create for you to the root directory of your site.

2) Make sure that your robots.txt file allows the search engine spiders to crawl your site.

By default the spiders will crawl if there's no robots.txt file - so if you don't see a robots.txt file on your site you're OK. If there's one there check there's nothing in it that says *DisAllow.

If there is, either delete the phrase that ends in *DisAllow or change the *DisAllow to *Allow. The default action the spiders will take is to crawl your site.

3) Use the Google Webmasters tools to register your site and make sure they're crawling it.

Google's webmaster tools are one of the services available to you if you have a Google account. If you don't have a Google account you can get one for free and I highly recommend it because they have lots of very good and useful tools for webmasters.

4) Make sure that your META data (META tags) is fully completed on each page of your site.

Make sure the META tags are unique and specific to the content on each page as well - especially titles, descriptions and keywords. If you're not sure what META data is or how to set it up, click here - it's a free META tag creator tool: http://www.htmlbasix.com/meta.shtml.

Fill out the fields, click the 'Create META Tags' button and copy the code they give you into your web page between the HEAD and /HEAD tags.

5) Make sure you use your main keywords thoughtfully in your H1 and H2 tags as well as through out your content.

But, VERY IMPORTANT, don't stuff keywords! Remember that it's people that buy from you, not the search engines. So write your pages for people - don't stuff them with keywords for the search engines! Over repetition of keywords will just turn people off and they'll click away.

Following those 5 simple steps will help the search engines to understand what your site is all about and to find their way around it - both of which are necessary for your site to be properly indexed.

If your site is not properly indexed you're not going to attract free search engine traffic.