Are Online Nursing Schools Right for Everybody? We Give You the Answer

Dec 10


Travis Van Slooten

Travis Van Slooten

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If there's one thing you should know about online nursing schools, it's that it's not the right move for all prospective nursing students. So who qualifies and who doesn't? Find out below if an online nursing program is applicable in your case.

With the long waiting lists at traditional nursing schools,Are Online Nursing Schools Right for Everybody? We Give You the Answer Articles it's no wonder many aspiring nurses are considering going to an online nursing school.

For those who already have a health care degree as a Licensed Practical Nurse, Paramedic, or Respiratory Therapist, an online school can provide the perfect way to work full-time and finish up your RN degree online, or even your Bachelor's Of Science in Nursing Online.

But then again, online nursing schools aren't for everyone.

But why would an individual even have second thoughts about getting an online nursing degree?

Here are a few reasons:

One, most online nursing schools are private, and they are more expensive than traditional community colleges or state schools. This isn't necessarily a bad thing. In fact, it can be a much better alternative than sitting around and waiting to get into a traditional nursing school. However, don't sign up for an online school unless you can pay for the entire course of schooling. You can source the funds from student loans.

Secondly, online schooling entails self-discipline. If you lack the motivation, don't even bother investing time, energy, and money on an online nursing degree. Traditional classes where a teacher holds you responsible and takes attendance may be a better use of your time.

Third reason, you're pretty much on your own with online courses. Face-to-face interaction only takes place during clinicals. If you function better studying with others in study groups that meet in real time and being able to directly ask questions from a teacher at the moment one crops up, you may be better off in a regular nursing school.

Fourth, you would of course, need to be computer literate to be able to handle online classes. If you aren't at that level, you may find yourself struggling to find your coursework, your assignments, and other vital information. Still, this wouldn't automatically preclude you from EVER pursuing an online nursing degree -- you can and should. But first, get up to speed enough to be comfortable taking online classes.

So before you sign up for an online nursing program, make sure that it's the right form of schooling for you.