Beginner French: Three Fun Ways to Add to Your Learning Experience

Nov 5


Christine Chacal

Christine Chacal

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You know what it's like when you're learning a new language. It's like getting married, then going on a honeymoon, and then coming back home to reality. First, you're thrilled about the prospect of learning French. Then, you buy a software or audio program to start learning. A few weeks into the program, you're beginning to tire and grow weary of taking any more lessons. Maybe you've gotten bored, or perhaps it was harder than you had originally imagined. To prevent this from happening, here are three fun ways to add to your beginner French learning experience.

1. Immerse yourself in some French cultural activities: You don't have to travel to France or live near a French museum to experience some French culture.  One of my favorite ways to surround myself with French culture is to listen to French pop artists.  Singers like Alizee,Beginner French: Three Fun Ways to Add to Your Learning Experience Articles Emily Loizeau, Kate Ryan, and Vanessa Paradis are all talented French singers who perform songs comparable to Rihanna, Beyonce, and similar American-style pop.2.  Eat French food.  By making things like French crepes or French chicken, you can gain a better respect for the French culture you're studying.  This won't directly help you become more fluent with French, but it can definitely get you in a better mood for learning.3. Watch American movies with French subtitles: It's not necessarily a lot of fun to watch French movies unless you're proficient at understanding French dialogue.  So instead, watch your favorite American movies with the French subtitles turned on.  If you already know the dialogue pretty well in English, you can easily relate that to the subtitles and easily gain an understanding of how to put together whole sentences in a scene.

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