How to avoid disappointment before starting an EMBA

Apr 3


Jordyn Whitman

Jordyn Whitman

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Some students in EMBA programs across the country end up disappointed after receiving their degree from their school of choice.


The top complaint coming from these recent grads is the lack of support in career management. For the most part,How to avoid disappointment before starting an EMBA Articles this type of complaint is easily remedied and avoidable. There are at least four ways to consider the EMBA for prospective students that will assist them before deciding on a program and help their transition run more smoothly and reliably.

  • Study the process for hiring and changing career paths
  • A common misconception is that employers will come to the University to find qualified, experienced individuals for their leadership and senior positions: EMBA students. Unfortunately, this is very rarely the case. When these employers do come in, they are searching to fill entry level positions. Not so great when you’re experienced with a graduate degree looking for a senior position or career change. Nevertheless, it is important to understand the hiring process prior to decision making.
  • Know the steps for your career
  • Consider what you want from a career and where you want to be within that role. Similar to the first, do not expect that earning an EMBA will automatically take you to the position you want immediately upon graduation. It is important for prospective students to support their own choices and career moves. They’re in charge.
  • Consider the EMBA vs the MBA
  • What do you want to gain from your degree? Do you want to advance in your career or change careers? If you want to advance, an EMBA should be the route, while a career change will benefit most from a MBA.
  • Begin by doing homework before it is assigned.
  • Your homework is to thoroughly research programs and decide which, if any, is best for you. More often than not, disappointed students in an EMBA program are often a result of not doing their own research ahead of time. The EMBA is a big career step that is time consuming and requires patience and diligence. It is not something to take lightly.

What is a great EMBA program for one person may not work for another. Take your time, do your research, and connect with what you what to do with your career. Whether it is to advance or change routes, utilize and identify the information you have access to and take the steps to overcome your goals