Leadership In Society

Jan 19


Sharon White

Sharon White

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It is historically given fact that each society needs a leader in order to move in one directions and, therefore achieve success and happiness. But who are those leaders?

People are commonly those electors who may choose their leader and its direction. In fact,Leadership In Society Articles a person who is willing to become a leader, is very interested in find the most effective way to grasp a large group of people and make them his devoted followers. Thus, a social leader should have very good knowledge in human history and psychology. The use of such knowledge can be considered as big advantage. However, this knowledge has historically mostly used to manipulate by people in order to achieve a leader’s own goals. In order to understand the nature of these goals it is important to understand who usually want to be leaders. We are used to hear (especially during electorate campaigns) that a person wants to become a leader in order to make people’s life more successful and happier. What are the driving forces to make people believe such leader? A leader should know what people lack at this time and, therefore they are willing to get what they lack most. Is not is a manipulation? Are people really free in their thoughts and behavior when the follow leaders who give right promises? In order to answer this question correctly it would be useful to find some cases in our history.

What was the success of Hitler? He knew Germans lost much after the World War I and Europe and the world organizations punished them enough in order to seed aggression and willingness to revenge some time. Hitler knew the hope to turn these feelings into real actions was a very strong driving force for Germans. So he promised to make this hope true, and people followed him.

Leadership in society has its dark sides until each person can understand he is manipulated and is not really free.

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