Starting 9th Grade is When College Preparation Begins

Feb 19


Douglas Scruggs

Douglas Scruggs

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Starting 9th grade is when college preparation begins for those looking to enter a four year college. Students not as prepared can always enter community colleges or trade schools. But those students, who are ready, need to make choices now, to show themselves in the best light to future perspective colleges and universities.


By now students should have shown abilities that makes going to college an option. Things like an embrace of learning,Starting 9th Grade is When College Preparation Begins Articles an engagement with gaining knowledge, and a personality that shines, are all signs of a student who is looking forward to adulthood, and dreaming of their future. Of course the path will be filled with bumps, twist, and potholes. And their survival will depend on their attitude and resilience to take the bad and grow from it. The setbacks, the roadblocks, the detours, are all part of life as every adult knows. And no matter how much help parents will offer, it is their child’s time to learn these lessons of life.

So how can one prepare? Well there are easy steps one can take like becoming a passionate reader. With practice students increase speed, understanding, and gain knowledge. Any reading helps, but a quicker digestion of plots, facts, descriptions, or theories, helps decipher the understanding of word problems on tests. Lots of reading also increases vocabulary utility, which will come in handy on written assignments. I found even reading the newspaper or news magazine’s current events, helps in formulizing topics for future papers. The important thing is that the material be at the appropriate reading level or above. A challenge is always a good thing. Reading can also be away to improve speech. When we read we form the words in our minds, and when we read out loud or talk normally, we don’t listen to our pronunciation of words. But by recording yourself reading, you can hear how others here you. At this point you might need a professional, or public speaker to suggest the correct way to say a vowel or consonant. Then you will be on your way to a career of public speaking!

Now you need to focus on advanced challenging courses when picking your classes. And talk to your counselors about test like the PSAT/NMSQT. These will help prepare you for taking the SAT later, and will help in qualifying you for scholarships. The more tests you practice on, the more comfortable you will become when it is time for the most important ones.

Next, find something you like to do, and then join a club, be involved. Schools like to see your commitment to what interest you. Sports, music, art, student council, even science and math clubs, you will make friends who like the same things you do. In school or out of school groups will look good on a college application. Just don’t get involved in too many things, remember you’ll have homework from challenging courses to do. Some group activities might also lead to available scholarships. The trick is to love what you do so that you can stick with it for a few years and excel. Colleges also like to see some humanitarian activity. Join these groups through your religion affiliation (church, temple, or synagogue), hospital, or a group benefiting the less fortunate, like a soup kitchen. All groups teach students valuable lifelong lessons that have long lasting effects on one’s personality.

Talk to your family, they know you better than anyone else, and can give you suggestions. And keep them involved in school activities, engaged with your counselors, and teachers. If any problems develop their wise input can smooth down any issue that might seem over whelming. Your parents will have some involvement though out your whole life. However high school is one of the last places they might have the most influence. Good advice is to also look for a mentor, someone in good standing with the community. Maybe someone professionally involved with the school, who you can talk to about your goals and dreams. They can give you advice or get answers on how to reach your goals. It might be easier to speak to this person, however make sure that other adults or fully aware of your relationship with this advisor. Times have changed and you must always be aware of any adult who might try to take advantage of a student who only seeks help. You should never feel like you’re unable to tell anyone what you and your advisor spoke about or did. If something doesn’t feel right, leave the situation immediately, and make sure you tell an adult you trust about it.

If other problems come up with schoolwork, even if you don’t realize what might be the real problem, talk to someone. Get help from a person that you respect before your grades take a turn for the worse, or your assignments are not getting done in time. Your parents, teachers, or advisers can help if it is a studying or time problem. Having a tutor session or two can always bring up grades, and a timing problem can always be addressed by someone who knows you and sees the whole picture of the pressure your under. Your doctor or coach can help if it is a physical issue. Just remember to address any potential problems early, before they become bigger problems. Your parents, counselors, and teachers, all want to support you in your dreams, there is always a way to solve any problem once it is recognized.