These Unforgettable Olympic Games

Mar 3


Paul Jones

Paul Jones

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You may often hear a student or an undergraduate say something like “I can’t stand literature and in general reading is not among my likings….” These days parents are more and more complaining that they seldom find their children reading a book,These Unforgettable Olympic Games Articles though their house abounds in literature of various genres, the shelves of the book case are rich in encyclopedias and other fascinating books.  The children are more likely to spend their time at the computer, conquering the depths of the Internet than to spend half an hour leafing through the book.  They don’t like reading   because no one showed them how to love the mere act of reading and appreciate wealth hidden in the book.

According to the article published at "The majority of reading problems faced by today's adolescents and adults could have been avoided or resolved in the early years of childhood." --National Research Council (1998). So we as parents must foster love of reading from the cradle if we want our children to enjoy every page they read. Since their early childhood (3 -4 years old), when your little one can not even read, start visiting libraries, book stores with him.  Here you will examine beautiful glossy covers, bright illustrated editions.  Choosing and buying   the books you will bring up careful attitude to the book as the source of pleasant communication with the whole universe. You can sing different lullabies before putting him to bed, imagine and tell him exciting fairy tales, ask riddles to stimulate his thinking, creativity and curiosity. It is also a good idea to arrange home puppet theatre once in a while.  If your baby is only learning to speak, combine funny tongue twisters and finger gymnastics to make the best of the process.

The child should see that books are respected in his/ her family. Discuss any books, share your impressions and opinions, but don’t impose your point of view.  If the book is familiar both to you and your child you may compete who knows the book better. Encourage the cognitive interest of your children; provoke them to discover new things about the world with the help of the books (specialized dictionaries, encyclopedias, almanacs). They will   understand the power of knowledge every book incorporates. Visit theatres, cinemas, watch videos or DVD together. If it is possible compare the version of the performance or the film with the fiction qualities of the book on which it was based.  Do not forget about galleries, literature exhibitions and museums. To bring up the reader is not the same as to teach to read.  You can awaken the reader in your child without teaching him a single letter. On the other hand you can spend a lot of time and effort on teaching your child to read the words and attain quite the opposite result.  Your child will find out about the miracle of reading books long before he learns to read. Because he will see what wonderful story tellers grown ups become when there is an open book in front of them. Without any doubt the acquired in the childhood habit of reading will help your child   on all stages of his/ her development - he will swallow the books in no time and the idea to order philosophy term paper is unlikely to occur to him.

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