Universal Advice for Successful Passing of Exam

Jun 15


Peter Johnson

Peter Johnson

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In this article I aim at pointing out the benefits of the exam and showing efficient ways of preparing for it. The success of your exam does not depend only on the knowledge you possess in the subject, but on his individual features: thinking peculiarities, ability to concentrate under stress and etc. To cope with your task and attain best results in the subject, you should be aware of your peculiarities and this advice will help you to make it out.


There has been a lot of dispute about the necessity of exams.  It is really a controversial issue which has to be given very careful consideration before leaping to some hasty conclusions.  Exams stimulate students to learn the necessary material. But they cause destructive stress and probably the crammed material will be forgotten just after passing the exam. In this article I aim at pointing out the benefits of the exam and showing efficient ways of preparing for it.

Exam is like a milestone in your course of life. At the exam you have a chance to show people and yourself what you have learnt and what skills you have acquired.  Exams test many qualities at a time - how strong your nerves are,Universal Advice for Successful Passing of Exam Articles your partnership ability, ability to systematically thinking, acting in critical situations and many others. In other words, it checks essential life skills, making you more responsible.  Exams are much more difficult than writing even a philosophy term paper. The success of your exam does not depend only on the knowledge you possess in the subject, but on his individual features: thinking peculiarities, ability to concentrate under stress and etc.  To cope with your task and attain best results in the subject, you should   be aware of your peculiarities and this advice will help you to make it out. If you have rich imagination and remarkable imaginative thinking, you should not give way to fear and emotions, drawing terrifying pictures of exam in your head. You’d better use your imagination for memorizing the material – build up schemes, pictures, comparisons.  During  the exam calm down,  read  the assignment  very carefully  and start  preparing for the  tasks that  are  the  most simple  or require extensive answer. If you tend to take a broad view at the problem and use general facts and omit details, your weak point is writing an essay or term paper writing. When you prepare for the exams, at first divide all the information into big sections, then into smaller divisions so that the information   may be presented as a scheme.  You should ask yourself” What is the most important here? “ . During the exam look through all the tasks and  start  with  the easiest.  Think over the detailed plan of fulfilling every task.If you are an anxious person and every test causes fear, besides you are inclined to revise and correct your tests for many times, don’t think about   the significance of the exam and relax. You can take a kind of talisman with you to the exam – it can be a happy pen, trinket, etc.  Before the exam, recollect your achievements and success and aim at positive result.  It is desirable not to redo the tasks. If you don’t  trust yourself and it is  difficult for you  to make a choice and you are cheating only  because you are not sure in your  own answer, then recollect  the case when you have made  the right  decision of your own.  Begin your work at the exam with doing the easiest task and praise yourself for   every next you do. If you inattentive and absent minded, your main problem is rational time management.  For you taking the exam starts with preparation for it. Divide all the information into sections to be learnt every day.  You should strictly follow the schedule. Alternate work (1, 5 – 2 hours) with rest (10 – 15 minutes). At the exam be especially careful when reading the task, focus on it and forget about the rest.

If you are a responsible person with   good organisational skills, before the exam have a sound sleep and you should be confident of your knowledge. If you have the task you think you can’t do - do not worry.   You will return to it afterwards and now take up another assignment.  Don’t try to impress the committee with your learned air, be natural http://www.ucla.edu. If you are quickly tired and the number of mistakes you make increases, then you should create a specific schedule for exam preparation implying active rest.  You need fresh air, sound sleep and supervisor’s assistance.  During the exam make small break when you feel you are tired (look in the window, recollect some pleasant even of your life) If you do everything quickly, you are impulsive and impetuous then you have to learn to be coherent and accurate at the exam. If you are writing an essay at the exam, revise it from the beginning to the end several times.  Don’t distract your attention on anything. If it is difficult for you to switch from one assignment to another, if you are sluggish and need long time to get the idea of the task, then it is crucial for you to use watch. Allocate enough time for every task. When you prepare for exams your eyes experience great strain that is why breaks are indispensable.  Not to make the exam a deadlock, never set impossible tasks. Don’t expect a disaster and prepare for the exam beforehand when you are calm and relaxed.  Before the exam have a good sleep. Remember: it is only one of a thousand exams you will have to pass in this life, so view like a valuable experience and practice for yourself.

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