What Not to Compromise on During College

May 2


Megan Max

Megan Max

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Before your journey at college begins, you are likely to hear that several compromises will have to be made at college many times. To some extent, this is true because college gives you a completely new environment of academia and social life.


College is the real place where out-of-book learning begins due to the experiences and work you have to go through. Before college in high and junior schools,What Not to Compromise on During College Articles students tend to have very few experiences and are rarely required to make any significant compromises but things do change in college.

For this reason, it is imperative for you to know about things that you, as a student, cannot afford to compromise on. Following is a list of things that you are not supposed to compromise on at college under any circumstances:

  • Be aware of the consequences of the poor diet: Whatever financial, academic or personal problems you may be going through, never compromise on your meals. It is often observed that college students tend to skip breakfast on purpose to save money and have lunch earlier than usual. This, according to many experts, is the worst money-saving strategy one can adopt due to the fact that breakfast remains the most important meal of the day. Studies suggest that students who regularly have breakfast performs relatively better than those who skip breakfast. Breakfast provides you with the necessary energy you need for the rest of your day. If it is extremely necessary, you may consider skipping lunch but do eat something in late afternoon to avoid severe consequences.
  • In the end, your GPA will define you: Although this point is not to tell you that GPA stands the most important part of student’s college life, it does matter to an extent when you enter your professional life. Some renowned organizations place a cap on grade point average below which students are not able to apply. So whatever else you do, never compromise on your academics in any way that could affect your GPA. This may include anything from skipping class and losing marks for attendance to trying to cheat in final exams for the sake of a few extra unethical marks. Expert dissertation writers and professional individuals believe that in either case, you are likely to end up with a bad GPA and not only life at college could be adversely affected but also the professional life.
  • Best memories are made in college: A survey revealed that majority people live their best moments during college and these remain memorable for the rest of their lives. For this reason, you should not compromise on the opportunities you get to make some beautiful memories through late night fun with friends, bi-weekly major hangouts, frequent dine outs and cracking lame jokes with friends in spare time. Many dissertation writers tend to ignore this fact and do compromise on it given the unmanageable workload of dissertation. But it is advised to give up some other activity and do allocate some time to make memories in order to avoid regrets later in life.

These are three major things that will matter the most during and after college so do not even think of compromising on them. You will realize the importance of this once you graduate and enter your professional life.
