How Do Water Filters Work To Bring You Drinking Water Free From Contaminants

Jan 17


David Cassell

David Cassell

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Discover how water filters work and the type of filtration system that is most effective in removing the highest amount of contaminants from your drinking water.


With the wave of contaminants that have hit our water supplies over the last couple of decades,How Do Water Filters Work To Bring You Drinking Water Free From Contaminants Articles more and more people are starting to wonder how do water filters work to protect themselves and their families.

But in order to get an understanding of how they work, you need to be clear on the kinds of contaminants that are present in your water supply and the features of a home water filtration system.

With regards to the chemical content of our water, there are around 80,000 chemicals used in industry, that can be make their way into in our reservoirs. Any combination of these chemicals could be in the water that you are drinking right now.

Over 2,000 of these chemicals have been documented as known carcinogens. So, how do water filters work to effectively remove these types of contaminants?

They work by utilizing a combination of an activated granular carbon filter (gac) and a multi media block. These two filters trap the chemicals, and turn them into solids, which are unable to penetrate the film across the filter face.

Apart from chemicals, there are also microscopic bacteria and parasites that are in your drinking water as well. These may cause stomach problems if ingested.

Contrary to what many people believe, not all of the microbes and parasites in your water supply are eradicated by the use of chlorine disinfection. Many still survive to pose a danger to the health of you and your family.

And how do water filters work to eliminate the risk of waterborne sicknesses affecting your family?

Through the use of what is known as a sub micron filter, all of the parasites and cysts become effectively blocked in much the same manner as with the earlier filters I talked. The exception is that the microbes are already in solid form, so they are basically trapped.

You should also be aware that toxic metals, such as copper and lead, can find its way into your tap water.

These metals generally find their way into your tap water by leaching off the plumbing fixtures that transport water throughout your house. So potentially harmful are these chemicals, that even in small quantities, ingesting lead contaminated water may cause neurological damage.

How do water filters work in order to remove the threat of heavy metal poisoning?

There is a device used called an ion exchange unit, that magnetizes the metal traces and then replaces them in your water with potassium and sodium. This filter will also keep the pH balance of your water perfect so that you water will taste great every time.

How do water filters work? They work by utilizing the 3 tiered filter system mentioned before, which pays attention to all kinds of drinking water contaminants at the same time; this ensures that nothing gets by.

You get obtain this tiered system in a high quality counterop or undersink drinking water filter. Very importantly, these purifiers are affordable and will help maintain the health and safety of you and your family.