Protected Life Insurance

Dec 12


Luke Ashworth

Luke Ashworth

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An article for you if you are looking for life insurance in case of an accident or unforeseen terminal illness.


Are you looking for life insurance in case of an accident or unforeseen terminal illness?  There are two ways you can obtain life insurance to protect you and your family.  You can have life insurance that will pay one lump sum to your family in case you die or you can choose a life insurance that will pay your mortgage in case you die.  We will be concentrating on the first type of life insurance offered.  The lump sum life insurance payment offered to loved ones in case you die or are diagnosed with a terminal illness offers your family financial security.  The set amount you agreed on when you sign the contract is a lump sum tax free for the life of the plan.  The life insurance settlement can be used in various ways.  It can be used for living costs,Protected Life Insurance Articles covering a mortgage, children’s education, or to help pay for the medical bills.  This type of insurance is known as either Term Assurance or Term Insurance.  There are various levels to these plans including a decreasing term or level term.  You also have a choice in premium type from guaranteed to reviewable.  This premium type will determine the cost of payments for the life insurance.