Why is Paper Money Valuable?

Jan 5


Rhab Hendrik

Rhab Hendrik

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In the early history of man, there were no dollars or yen to buy goods. The system that was used to get goods was bartering. Bartering is where you trade one thing for another and this was the best forex trading system back then. As more people began to live in cities and travel, there became a need to make buying much easier. As a result, money was invented to handle this problem.

In the early history of man,Why is Paper Money Valuable?  Articles there were no dollars or yen to buy goods. The system that was used to get goods was bartering. Bartering is where you trade one thing for another and this was the best forex trading system back then. As more people began to live in cities and travel, there became a need to make buying much easier. As a result, money was invented to handle this problem.
Before money the usual way of getting what you wanted was to trade goods for goods. This can be quite cumbersome, for example, trading 10 dozen eggs for 25 loaves of bread. Who wants to carry around that many eggs? It is very inconvenient.
Money is not the actual production. It represents the work. It is not the work itself. You get paid based on your production. One does not make money, one produces and exchanges that production for pay.
All countries of the world use some kind of currency. If you go to Germany and want to purchase something, you have to trade in your dollars for Euros. There may not be an equal exchange of dollars for Euros, but you can see how it is inconvenient to travel with a truckload of eggs to buy something. It is much easier to carry money in your wallet.
The idea and the use of money arose out of convenience. It is much simpler to use than hauling around goods. Money is not evil. The evil comes about when people, such as banker manipulate the monetary system. They are the ones that make economies collapse or succeed. If one truly wants to change the world, then this control must be shifted back to ethical practices. Otherwise, forex trading tips the scales of power to those who set interest rates. The whim of an evil person or group should not dictate whether our economy succeeds or fails. The way should be used is as a convenience, not as a punishment.