How a Winsor Pilates Exercise Routine Can Help You

Feb 2


Dean Forster

Dean Forster

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How a winsor pilates exercise routine can help you achieve total body fitness


You may have heard of the Winsor Pilates exercise methods that have boasted some pretty gaudy accomplishments,How a Winsor Pilates Exercise Routine Can Help You Articles with men and women alike citing huge weight losses and improvements to their quality of life after using the program. Alternatively, you may be new to the whole Pilates phenomenon, and may wonder what the fuss is all about. Either way, let's discuss exactly what Pilates is, and how Mari Winsor has attempted to revolutionize the Pilates philosophies into an even more effective method of exercise.

Pilates is similar to other alternative exercise methods, such as yoga, in that it does not feature impact to your joints, feet, or other areas of your body, unlike jogging or some types of aerobics. It is based upon a philosophy of total body fitness, and many practitioners have very fit, lean, toned bodies as a result of the total body workouts that Pilates features. For this reason, many women who are worried about getting "too big" from working out tend to gravitate towards Pilates. There are many variations of traditional Pilates movements, including workout programs such as Mari Winsor's, or even machines that can add resistance to your Pilates workouts. Whether these variations, or even Pilates itself, is right for you is mainly a result of your own individual preferences.

Mari Winsor is a trainer to the stars and a longtime lover of Pilates herself. Through her videos and workout program, she has taken traditional movements and tailored them into a workout that is intense enough to help people lose an astounding amount of weight, while keeping the principles beginner friendly, so that newcomers do not get frustrated and give up. She has also developed innovations such as a "Sculpting Circle", which is just as it sounds, a circle with a handle for each hand to hold onto, which is used in various exercises in her workout routines.

Again, it is all really up to you in regards to whether a Winsor Pilates exercise program is the best option for you or not. However, if you are looking for a way to workout that will be easy on your feet, knees, and other joints, or if you want to improve your flexibility, athleticism, and muscle tone without adding on extra bulk or running tons of miles on a treadmill, it may be worth checking out after all.