Pop-Rocks March 09

Apr 12


Keith McGregor

Keith McGregor

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It was in 1979 that Zeta Espacial SA a company based in Barclona, Spain first manufactured, exported and sold 'Pop-Rocks'. Children flocked to buy this new popping candy as word spread about the exciting new sweet that 'exploded' in the mouth. 'Pop-Rocks' were the 'in thing’! Stores were selling out of 'Pop-Rocks' as fast as they could get them.


'Pop-Rocks' are made when the ingredients are heated to a high temperature so that gases form. These gases are then released as a ‘pop’ when it melts in the mouth. This causes a small explosion - a simple recipe but a clever one!

As interest in 'Pop-Rocks' grew,Pop-Rocks March 09  Articles speculation about its unique properties became a fundamental part of childhood folklore. Those who dared to have Pop-Rocks and cola at the same time soon discovered the myth to be untrue, but many still dared each other to try. S strong was the myth that Pop-Rocks event featured in the American film ' Urban Legend’.

T-Shirts were spotted baring the 'Pop Rock' Logo. A cereal company released a limited edition 'Power Puff Girls' breakfast cereal with the extra punch of 'Pop-Rocks'. Chocolate bars have also been produced with added ‘pop’.

Today 'Pop-Rocks' are back with a bang, seeing a revival, as a new generation of children experiencing the fun sharing it with friends and watching the look on their faces as the candy pops and fizzes in their mouths. They are once again the talk of the playground and the 'in sweet' to have, a fitting way to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the launch of Zeta Espacial SA Pop-Rocks.