Tips for Marketing Luxury Wholesale Sweets and Chocolates

Jun 4


Lisa Jeeves

Lisa Jeeves

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Selling high-end confectionery can be lucrative – as long as you know how to properly market these types of wholesale sweets to the right customers.


The business of selling confectionery is a deliciously lucrative one,Tips for Marketing Luxury Wholesale Sweets and Chocolates Articles especially when you manage to secure wholesale sweets from a reliable and reputable supplier. If you are thinking about selling high-end confections, though, it is definitely worth your time to learn a thing or two about marketing - in the right way and to the right people.
Set Up a Luxurious Backdrop
One of the first and most important things you need to do with fine confections is to present them in a way that they make buyers feel comfortable and reassured by their quality. This feeling of trust in quality is a universal trait of all luxury goods, from cars to handbags. Wholesale sweets are no exception, so spend the time arranging them in a display that highlights their special nature rather than simply stacking them up in a corner and slapping “premium” on top. It may take a little planning to come up with the perfect display, but the enhanced aesthetic appeal will definitely be worth the effort.
Find Out the Stories of the Brands
Buyers will be more willing to pay extra for premium confections if there is a story behind the goods. Take the time to study up on the history of the people that make the confections you plan to sell. If needs be, contact your wholesale sweets supplier to learn more about the stories behind their products.
Sharing the story behind your confections to potential customers makes it easier for people to establish an emotional connection with the sweets – creating repeat customers who not only love the taste and the story behind them, but are more willing to ‘evangelize’ to others to try your brand as well.
Establish an Online Presence
Never underestimate the power of the Internet – particularly social media – when it comes to promoting luxury confections. Both the novelty and the aesthetic appeal of finer confections makes them ideal topics for consumers to share on social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook and Google+. A few photographs at special occasions, like parties or weddings, and you could have a number of potential customers curious enough to find out where their friends got those really nice Belgian tiramisu white chocolate truffles. Establishing your own website and social media profiles will make it a lot easier for these potential customers to get in touch with you.
Be Aware of Seasonal Opportunities
Knowing when to order a large shipment of wholesale sweets is important - not just for fine confections but for all manners of consumer goods in general. Obvious calendar events like Christmas, New Year’s, Halloween, Valentine’s and Easter are easy enough to predict; it is the less obvious ones that often go overlooked - like the spring wedding season and the mid-May to mid-July graduation season. These dates (as well as other dates of significance) are pretty good opportunities to nudge consumers to buy fine sweets as gifts. A box of good chocolates is always a welcome gift.
Believe Your Sweets Are Worth the Price
Resist the urge to slap discounts on your finer confections – especially during peak seasons. These discounts can work pretty well for your average sweets, but luxury marketing is about instilling trust that your products are worth the price you are asking for. You do a disservice to the long-term health of the brand by selling them for less.
Keep these simple tips in mind and you will be able to better move your stock of luxury wholesale sweets and chocolates while maximizing your profit margin.