Use your Sensory to Discover the Basic Wine Characteristics

Oct 3


Maria A Williams

Maria A Williams

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Learning the wine characteristics can be very pleasant or a time-and-resource-consuming passion. By understanding the basic wine characteristics after including some basic background knowledge and a logical approach you can increase your individual enjoyment.


Unfortunately,Use your Sensory to Discover the Basic Wine Characteristics Articles wine tasting is actually a difficult process that asks lots of concentration on analysing and it takes much more than simply sipping some fermented grape. To understand the basic characteristic of the wine you taste, you need to consider many variable aspects that affect your perception.

Our human taste perception starts with our tongue. The quality of the wine is only one aspect that will determine the type of the wine. Next the size and the wine glass together with the temperature of the beverage itself can indicate the wine characteristics. Often, the very first impression depends on how hungry or tired we are so the tasting can be very individual and sometimes may include some psychological conditions.

Wines are mostly categorized by their flavour. Tasting is as a complex combination which is likely to include the temperature, flavour, and the aroma that can help to define our preferences, based on personal perception. A very few people understand how important the smell of the wine is, rather than any other sense ability. As sensitive and accurate our nose is it can stimulate our tongue by increasing the entire sensory enjoyment which may also help us to classify the different wine aromas. Smelling as ancient and primal skill is an important part of wine tasting. Following the unique aspect of smell you can notice how our receptors may be violated by odour molecules that are typically prevailing and covering the pleasant ones. With the right amount of experience and training you will start determining the complexity of the wine, discovering the basic fruit and berry aromas that came from the grape variety and the alcohol content in it.

Everything you smell and taste in a wine can vary between individuals as we can recognize and detect separate elements of complexity between thousands of different smells, depending our different aptitude and training.

Besides the generalizations, while tasting there are only few things we need to discover: The sweetness of the wine - something that can be detected right away even if it is accompanied with various aromas. The alcohol in wine as soon as it causes sensation of our throats. Sensitivity to specific tannin- it feels like having a dry fruit in your mouth or some wet tea bag under the tongue. To make a conclusion about a wine means to isolate the acidity after you`ve swallowed it so you can determine how much you have enjoyed while tasting.

With this tasting methods applied to feel the differences in the texture of the wine you need to become aware for other aspects like body, alcohol content and wine temperature. The body is one of the most often misunderstood components of wine with the unique description "full bodied" which frequently applied to wines that are high in either alcohol or tannin. When the wine is served at lower temperature is less sweet than the same wine at warmer temperature. In the mouth, alcohol also is experienced as a hot sense in the back of the throat. Although it takes some time and practise with these methods used above you can quickly identify what you like or hate about a wine.