House Mosquito Management

Aug 16


Ma. Theresa Galan

Ma. Theresa Galan

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You against the entire (and constantly reproducing) mosquito population is an unfair fight to say the least. But there are things you can do to make a sizable dent in your own little corner of the world.


The only thing worse then getting bitten whenever you step outside is getting bitten by mosquitoes when you're in the house. Preventing these blood-suckers from entering your home can be tricky during warm weather when windows and doors are open frequently. They're attracted to heat,House Mosquito Management Articles water, and shade, just like when they're searching for a place to breed in your yard.

The best way to prevent mosquitoes from biting you in or around your house is to prevent them from hatching on your property. Dr. Gangloff-Kaufmann said, "The preventative stuff that a homeowner can do simply revolves around habitat. You want to eliminate standing water to eliminate their larval habitat."

Here are some examples of potential mosquito larval habitats:

  • Bird baths
  • Wading pools
  • Rain gutters
  • Old tires
  • Buckets
  • Pet dishes
  • Flower pot bottoms
  • Crumpled plastic sheeting and tarps
  • Soil depressions that accumulate water

To prevent mosquitoes from coming into your home and/or biting you, try the following:

  • Be sure all window and door screens are in good repair with no holes or tears.
  • Equip the doors, especially screened doors, with a self-closing apparatus.
  • Encourage "good" bugs to hang out in your yard by avoiding bug zappers and similar gadgets. They kill the beneficial bugs and attract mosquitoes to your yard.
  • Stay indoors at dusk and dawn when mosquitoes are most active. If you must be out, where long sleeves and long pants with socks.
  • Use mosquito repellent if you are going out during mosquito peak hours. Avoid wearing perfume, cologne, or scented lotions as they may attract mosquitoes.
  • If you have an attic (even a crawl space) or basement, inspect any openings which might allow the pests inside. Much like you must resort to caulking before winter months to keep out cold air, you should make sure your home is sealed up properly before the warm weather arrives.

Keeping mosquitoes away from your house takes vigilance in terms of inspecting your property for potential larval habitats. If preventative measures and mosquito repellants are not effective, consider calling pest controller auckland or your local vector control program.

For more assistance and relevant information,check out the site below:

pest control northshore, insect control auckland city
