New Carpet Smell Removal

Sep 18


Ma. Theresa Galan

Ma. Theresa Galan

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Many people might just like the new carpet smell, but I am sure most of them develop nausea towards it. People might just become allergic to the new carpet smell as well.


New carpets are made from synthetic fibers and other chemicals like latex,New Carpet Smell Removal Articles soil repellents, flame retardants, anti static sprays, artificial dyes, urethane and mainly VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) like formaldehyde, acetone, benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene, styrene which are supposed to be highly toxic in nature. These are often the cause of nausea, fatigue, hair loss, headache, dizziness, irritation as well as nerve damage, respiratory disorders, allergies, rashes, asthma, loss of memory, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS), Environmental Illness (EI), nervous system disorders, etc.

During warmer temperatures, off gassing of these volatile compounds, in the form of vapors, occur. These vapors persist in the rooms when you buy the new carpet and can well extend to persist up to months and years.

For the rest of us who don't like- or are even allergic to- the smells, the sooner we can eliminate them, the better. Learn here how to get rid of new carpet smells in your home!

  • Firstly make sure you buy a carpet having Carpet and Rug Institute (CRI) Green Label and Green Label Plus tags on the carpet. These are highly recommended, since they have been tested in the laboratories for off-gassing.
  • Make sure you ask the manufacturer about the chemicals that have been put into use in the making of the carpet.
  • Tell the contractor to air the carpet for at least 2-3 days so that the odors of the volatile chemical compounds go off.
  • Make sure you buy carpet brands which have less of the synthetic chemicals. Avoid going for backing of the carpets.
  • Make it a point to nail the carpet rather than gluing it. Gluing the carpet will increase the number of chemicals which is not advisable. Also glue smell is irritating.
  • Make sure you use nontoxic carpet sealant from AFM SafeCoat. This one is highly effective in reducing the new carpet smell.
  • Spread baking soda on the carpet and keep it overnight. Vacuum the carpet the next day.
  • Say, if you are dry vacuum cleaning the carpet by using Steam Carpet Cleaner, then make sure you add vinegar and hot water to it and then clean the carpet. Vinegar is a natural odor-killer so it will do the needful. Cleaning with vinegar is an easy option you can opt for.
  • Make sure you vacuum clean the carpet using HEPA filters which are available with very minute pore size. The air which they release is highly sterile and without any contaminants; totally pure air.
  • Keep whole onions or apples soaked in water overnight in the room having the new carpet. These are proven to absorb the nasty odors of the new carpet.
  • Place some potted plants in the room so that there is sufficient fresh air prevailing in the room.
  • Make sure there is enough ventilation and enough air circulation in the room. Switch on the fans and keep the windows open for the same.
  • Use a Steam Carpet Cleaner With Vinegar and Water Vinegar is well-known for it's odor-killing properties. Clean the carpet as you normally would, but without using shampoo.

If you don't want to do it yourself, call a professional to do a hot water extraction to get rid of new carpet smells in your home. For assistance on the job, check out our main page here:

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