What to Teach For Children When There is Flood

Jun 21


Ma. Theresa Galan

Ma. Theresa Galan

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During normal times, parents are concerned about the safety of their children. It's best not only to prepare yourself for the possible problems ahead, but also to prepare your children to handle themselves properly to prevent diseases and other dangers which may come with the water.


Parents should supervise their child's hand washing before eating and after using the toilet. Ensure the food they eat has been cooked recently,What to Teach For Children When There is Flood Articles as flies may be especially infectious during flooding periods.  And confirm they are drinking purified water, either from sealed bottles or water that has been boiled or chemically treated. Teach children to keep their mouth away from the water if they if they must be in flood water.   Digestive tract diseases are the most common health problems caused by flooding.

If children consume contaminated food or water, they are at greater risk of developing both simple conditions including diarrhea and cholera, and severe illnesses such as typhoid fever and hepatitis.    For parents of young children: If a child is breastfeeding, the safest course is to continue breastfeeding normally while taking care to keep the child away from any wet clothing. If the child is formula-fed, prepare it with very recently purified water, and use only clean water to wash and rinse feeding bottles and utensils used in preparing the forIf a child has diarrhea: Ensure the child drinks an electrolyte solution to replenish lost vitamins and minerals. If the child's condition does not improve in 2 or 3 days or experiences unusual stools, fever or vomiting, you should take the child to see a doctor.  

Ensure your child always drinks a sufficient amount of water each day.  For children, the recommended average minimum daily water intake is:   1 - 3 years:  960 ml (4 cups) 4 - 8 years:  1,200 ml (5 cups) 9 – 13 years: Boys:  1,920 ml (8 cups) Girls:  1,680 ml (7 cups) 14-18 years: Boys:  2,640 ml (11 cups) Girls:  1,920 ml (8 cups)   A child showing signs of dehydration should be given water and electrolytes. Milk and juice are also acceptable, but opt for plain, clean water as much as possible.  

Teach your children that, during times of flooding, mosquitoes pose a greater danger for spreading diseases such as malaria and dengue fever. Younger children's delicate skin makes them particularly susceptible to mosquito bites.

To prevent mosquito bites, your children should wear long sleeve shirts and pants to stay covered whenever possible. You may also consider using mosquito repellent. Children should sleep with mosquito nets (even during daytime hours), and be sure to allow sufficient space between the net and the child to prevent their being bitten through the net.

For more safety tips during flood, see links below:  

flood northshore, flood west auckland 

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