A vaccine for the prevention of cervical cancer?

Nov 26


Fritz Frei

Fritz Frei

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Prof. Kevin Ault, Gynaecologist, from the EmoryUniversity School of Medicine, University ofIowa, USA has present the results of the lastStudy's conclu...

Prof. Kevin Ault,A vaccine for the prevention of cervical cancer? Articles Gynaecologist, from the EmoryUniversity School of Medicine, University ofIowa, USA has present the results of the lastStudy's conclusions are Incredible and it's true;he told about a vaccine, that is 100 % effectivein preventing the most common types of Cervicalcancer linked to HPV (D3-to see). The HPV infections are sexually transmitteddiseases which prepare the way for cervicalcancer. We can protect the women against the mostCarcinogenic subtypes (6, 11, 16 and 18 of HPV)which are the cause of More than 70 % of cervicalcancers.

With optimistic results of the Future II study,20541 Women from Europe, America and Asia,between the ages of 16 and 26 years old, wasinvolved in this extensive project. Of course,the methodological rules, as a blind Studycompared the quadrivalent vaccine do a placebo.

The Vaccine protected the young women completelyagainst precancerous Lesions (medium - orhigh-grad) of the Cervix related to HPV 16 and18. The protection result was 100 % of cases! Thesid-effects comes with an extremely low number.

If we see the large number of cases in thisstudy, the results should be the same ifvaccination is made Available to the public.

We should not forget - the Cervical Cancer is thesecond leading cancer in Young women and accountsfor 11 % of Cancers in all women! When the Womenhas a common genital Infection with the humanpapillomavirus (HPV) and its can result in theappearance of precancerous lesions of the CervixMucous membrane. For instance, we know that theconnection between HPV infection and cervicalcancer is much stronger than that between smokingand lung cancer. How the researcher has got these results? Withthis new quadrivalent vaccine for cervicalcancer, the most oncogenic subtypes of HPV cannow be whipped out. One of the first steps isvaccinating adolescents (D3-“Chronical”) Beforethey come into contact with the virus; - Results- No virus, no Lesions - no cancer! Prevention -the essential part of the combating CervicalCancer.

The most oncogenic subtypes of HPV can now bewiped out thanks to this new quadrivalentvaccine. The first step is vaccinatingadolescents (D3 - “Chronical”) before they comeinto contact with the virus; this is a turningpoint in the fight against cancer. It is a majortool in the prevention of precancerous lesions inthe cervix. No virus, no lesions - and if thereare no lesions, that means no cancer. Preventionis an essential part of the equation when itcomes to combating cervical cancer - that's whyoncologists are so excited about the new Vaccine.

A study conducted with more than 20,000 women hasshown the absolute effectiveness of a vaccine inthe prevention of cervical cancer due to the mostcommon types of human papillomavirus (HPV).

Oncologists are enthusiastic. It is a rare thingto hear physicians - and even more so,oncologists -get excited to the point of speakingof a “historical breakthrough” after hearing apresentation from a colleague. Prof. Thomas Turz, Director of the InstituteGustave Roussy at the ECCO conference has say -It is a rare thing to hear physicians - and evenmore so, oncologists -get excited to the point ofspeaking of a “historical breakthrough” afterhearing a presentation from a colleague. TheOncologists are enthusiastic.

Health-Service-Online http://www.cancer-info.info